Reviews for I Can Breathe Again
Singerj199 chapter 3 . 10/5/2019
LBDGP and I Can Breathe Again are two stories that I never grow tired of.
Both are heartwarming stories, I really do enjoy the maturity that you wrote into both characters.
Both are delightful reads that seem to age like fine wine.
Ebonite27 chapter 3 . 6/25/2019
I am so sad that Tails swears in this. It completely ruined his character. Tails would never say stuff like that.
Rainbow Prime chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
Now I get the title of this story! They were in a vortex which would have made it impossible for them to breathe, so they can breathe again once they're out of the vortex! Clever girl. That last part was a quote from Jurassic Park.
Rainbow Prime chapter 2 . 7/2/2018
Wouldn't the vortex create an area with no oxygen in it?
T8ECR34T0R chapter 3 . 11/15/2016
This is great. Can you make a sequel please? Maybe even have the first chapter take place what happens the next morning?
Quentix Starwing chapter 3 . 8/24/2016
Lovely work! I enjoyed this piece thoroughly, a single non-working Sonally relationship, with an even divide, it was peaceful! You can't ask for more than that, well played. I enjoy Tails x Sally, I just don't see it that often.
sonicfastlane chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
Great story
Renard Prower chapter 3 . 8/18/2015
Real quick:

"Tails found that blue was becoming his favorite color."
Nice tie-in. I hope you didn't really think that nobody would notice this exact line appearing in both of your TailSal fics. ;)

Also, right near the beginning of chapter three, it seems Tails is trying to say, "Don't worry about (it)." He forgot the "it" ;p

Okay! On with it...

I must say, I'm far beyond the point of being impressed. I'm astounded and elated. After such a time, after revisiting an older story of yours of such a similar subject matter, and after publishing a perfectly fluid extension of said story, you manage to pump out a brand new short tale with the same couple in an alternate universe facing their hopes and fears in a whole new way. And this young tale is no pushover.

I think what I like best out of the new characteristics of this story is the atmosphere. In LBDGP, the whole story takes place in the city. Even though the direct interaction with other characters is, for the most part, limited at best, a reader can still feel the presence of other Mobians nearby at almost all times. This is not necessarily a bad thing, rather it creates the atmosphere that works best for that plot based on its structure. This is significant in determining how the ultimate goal of the story is to be approached, that being that Talks and Sally end up together. The protagonists' thoughts and actions are affected by the presence of other people, and they're forced into certain situations which lead to revelations that may bit have been made otherwise. In this story, (which I adore, by the way,) the atmosphere is completely new in that consistently, from start to finish, there's a very calm and comfortable feeling of solitude. Not another soul in sight or in mind; nobody to meet up with, no plans, no neighbors, no danger of the ditzy-friend-walks-in-at-the-last-moment trope. The two most important characters are, in fact, the only two characters around. They have nothing to influence them except one another and the natural environment, which makes their feelings and decisions that much more natural in wake. It makes the whole process feel more natural, comfortable, and most importantly, intimate. Whereas in LBDGP the young kitsune and the beautiful chipmunk had to sort of dig up and slowly accept the correctness of their feelings for one another, in "I Can Breathe Again," anyone with a heart can feel how beautifully right they are together from the start while the lovers in question can't see how the other truly feels until the end, and the intensity is real. That's how I feel about it, anyway. I love this kind of development, and it's very well executed here.

I think I had more to say, but I've lost myself in over half an hour of type-ranting about effective plot devices. Let it be known merely that I am tenfold as impressed and satisfied with this new story as I was with its predecessor in the Tails and Sally department. Both are great reads which I'd recommend to any fan of well-written romance, but while LBDGP is for those who like to see a more Hurt/Comfort style of un-forbidden romance story, ICBA is a more natural and self-fulfilled story with a relaxed pace and a short, sweet conclusion. I love your writing to bits and I wish upon the stars for much, much more like this to come. Thanks again, Jake, and well done.

~Renard (Dan)
FoxFloss chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
Let me start out by saying that this story was absolutely phenomenal. I really adore these two characters within the series and love the chemistry between the two. Thus, I would really appreciate it if you were to write another one of these stories with the same pairing! Honestly, I felt kind of sad when this story ended, I wanted there to be more, as greedy as that sounds. Anyways, I also wanted to inform you that I've read almost all of your other stories that you have and not a single one was poorly written. I admire and envy your writing abilities! Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more stories from you in the future! Stay awesome!
Chi-Cop1 chapter 3 . 6/4/2015
Outstanding and sweet once again! Loved it! :)
DaddlerTheDalek chapter 3 . 5/20/2015
Another great TailsXSally Story! Really cute. :)
Space Mercutio chapter 3 . 5/18/2015
ohmigosh yes the climax happened and there was a payoff and this is like that plot arc we talked about in seventhgradeenglish
Okay, now I can speak in complete sentences. Sentences like, wow, I'm really glad I saw one of your stories on here that introduced me to this ship, like I said earlier.
Can I just go and favorite this 57 more times? Okaythanksbye.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/11/2015
I love this story! I also love this couple as well, you put them together like pb&j (jk that sounds lame) u put them toe ther really well though and you gave wag of them sound emotions so that you felt as if they were real and they're emotions were too. I'd love to hear a few more stories bout this couple as well. Keep writing!
Trainkrazy chapter 3 . 5/11/2015
I must say you are a talented writer! I loved this story!
Gage the Hedgehog chapter 3 . 5/11/2015
Good work on this story. I am glad to read it.
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