Reviews for Nothing Worth Saying Aloud
mukii chapter 12 . 3/23
Obito y mikoto son una pareja monĂ­sima, espero que continĂșe pronto.
mistpool32132 chapter 8 . 10/13/2018
Hey hey Zetsu swatted at them like they were /flies/ because he's a venus fly trap get it /like flies/ X'D oh wow
mistpool32132 chapter 7 . 10/13/2018
Oh my gosh white zetsu's thoughts and ending question was 100% perrrrrfect, hah! Grrrrrrreat XD How did poor Mikoto respond? I hope poor Zetsu finally got his answer
mistpool32132 chapter 3 . 10/13/2018
Aw man this is such a unique and cool idea, I'm super excited to read forward!
Tonegawa Rie chapter 12 . 6/17/2018
Too bad 3 years of no update means DEAD
Crack-jouchan chapter 12 . 12/24/2015
Oh, Obi. He's such a tsundere. It's so obvious he liiiiiiikes her!

It's interesting how much he warms up to her, despite how dark his worldview is currently. I'd love for more!
Crack-jouchan chapter 6 . 12/24/2015
Young!Mikoto is adorable. She's very likeable; it's no wonder even 'bito is warming up to her. Very determined, too.

Poor, poor Itachi. His partner suggested he proposition his mom, 'bito has doubts about his romantic tendencies, and his mom thinks he's a ruthless murderer.
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 7/20/2015
It... has potential.
mst88 chapter 12 . 6/28/2015
While I do enjoy the interaction between Obito/Tobi(I seriously do), I really can't wait for her to partner back up with Zetzu just because of its weirdness lol.
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 12 . 6/26/2015
well, her wondering on good looking evil master minds that are scarred... and his feeling grumpy because she made a friend and hes an insecure little shit... well! time to ask the akward questions that must be asked, or at least considered.

Obito when he got stomped on by the huge rock and maddara played mad doctor... it was like right down the middle.

did he lose his ...leg as well? or other parts and had to be zetsufied? because akwardness right there.

but! thats not a thing to be considered untill FAR later. and well shinobi being odd balls isnt out of line.
course all them sexy jutsu that we KNOW exist but they diddnt really show because kids show and not really looking at it... hmm.

but yeah enough akward questions!

it is quite nice that Mikoto... gets to slum it up with regular Rain shinobi, and hey the atasuki... it IS a good question cause either Nagato can keep them so well in line, making them all into professionals while in the rain... (implying that his nuke the world thing includes everywhere BUT the rain and that hes going to just keep on increasing Rains borders untill he makes paradise...)
or they DONT implying that Nagato is REALLY messed up.
course if Konan is an Angel (and Mikoto and Konan team up mission! could be fun!)
what does that make all the other atasuki? especially because implied heiarchy, if you allow that one games to be canon its tells who brought in who for the atasuki... which makes SENSE group to group... so hmm.

anyway. akward questions abound should be... fun. especially as... Mikoto is NOT an S class so she woudlent understand the LEVELS of S class fighters... the differenece inbetween the few.

and oh dear Orochimaru catching wind of an Uchiah that isnt a freaking S class trained annoyance... oh dear.
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 11 . 6/8/2015
THank you for remembering the orogins of the Zetsu and THANK YOU. for playing with them.

hell everything attached to it, trying to remember what it was as human...

i mean as much as they are treated as mooks it really its hiome the long ago horrors of Kaguya.
well done!.

hell it snot like it be something that Obito even KNOWS ... but well.

and her being the genjutsu mistress of doom that sneaks in for the marriage and then leaves like a dream...
i mean poetic. and like, entirely unecessary when mug and torture works so well but well... eloquent and tacking your TIME and who cares how she gets the job done? long as she realizes thats what she CHOSE and...

well. Makoto enabiling the Zetsu to try and get close to humanity... well done.

they are a MESS and were criminally underused in terms of back story. so fun to see you exploring.
Christine chapter 10 . 6/6/2015
This is probably the most unique and well written Mikoto centered story I've ever read:) Well done and please update soon.
HalfwayHero chapter 2 . 6/8/2015
It seems that Obito has finally caught up to Mikoto, both of them seem rather passive about the existence of the other, almost as if it hasn't even registered yet. The omake worked wonders in terms of lightening the mood. I hope I get to see more.
mst88 chapter 11 . 6/8/2015
I love how you portrayed the genjutsu and well what can be said of white Zetzu, he's like a little kid that can murder, what's not to like lol.

Keep up the excellent work!
HalfwayHero chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
You were right about the disturbing imagery. I don't mind though, it sets the tone and really makes me want to find out what happens next. I applaud coming up with such an idea for the story. Mikoto getting sent to the future is something I would really like to see play out.
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