Reviews for The Ice in our Stars
Roxas fleur chapter 13 . 6/28
I really like the idea of GrayLu.. Thanks for this story! Though some interactions are not up to my taste but hey, that's your story. Thanks for the fun! I really needed more of this kind of story. NaLu got tons of these
Tilty.bbb chapter 13 . 5/1
This was a fantastic read well done
pinkpeach7 chapter 3 . 10/9/2019
GRRRR I’m so mad this story is trash. Lyon had no right to do that none at all. He even got paid extra AND HE STILL TOLD! WHAT A BITCH
pinkpeach7 chapter 3 . 10/9/2019
...Lyon is so rude! Why’d you have to make him so rude? Like it’s none of his business the kid isn’t his and he’s getting PAID! So why sign a contract your gonna break when you need the money like what? That’s just so rude for him to get in Lucy’s business
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2019
You should do a sequel this was good. I honestly feel like Hray and Lucy would be a good pair not just Nalu and Gray/Julia.
nhihilist chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
good story, although it somehow turn me from a graylu fan into a Lolu fan
Yumi Ayumu chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
soooo where's the lemon? can someone tell me where I can read it? (I actually waited for that scene but it's gone huhu)
Little Juniper Tree chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
I usually wait til the end of the story to review (so this will be super short and stuff), but THANK YOU for actually using the 3 rules for leaving FT! I’ve read hundreds of stories and you are the first I’ve encountered that actually used the rules and it might seem small but it was such a big thing in the canon storyline.. 10/10 you made my day with that
TheBlueMoonRose chapter 7 . 3/25/2018
Wait a moment ... gray doesn’t suffer from motion sickness it’s NATSU! Wtf?! How can you mistake that!?
Guest chapter 13 . 1/14/2018
This was an amazing stories and somehow I felt connected to the new characters. I like the fact that I really got to know everyone's personality. I can't help but feel bad for Lina xD
Slayercrazy chapter 2 . 1/10/2018
I just started reading your story and I love It! I also want to thank you, as a woman who had a very abnormal first pregnancy, for the authors note in chapter two. Not all of us are the same and it's hard when you talk about the differences because every one assumes that pregnancy is all the same.
darkhunter1982 chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
I have to say something to the guest that wrote that bullshit review I myself did not throw up when I was pregnant and if that headache thing was true then shit I would have a 100 kids by now since I get headaches all the time so instead of writing that stupidly long review on the first chapter why didn't you just wait till she was done apparently your not the know it all you think u are, and to the author I apologize for this but that made me really mad and great story I have a habit of reading the entire thing before I leave a comment its a great story
spotifyaf chapter 13 . 8/12/2017
I...I feel like I'm honestly about to cry. This was far by one of the most amazing and thrilling stories I have ever read, and I'll happily tell you that you are an amazing writer with unbelievable talent that I envy right now. Thank you for completing this story, and I am most definitely going to check out your other stories.
AkaNeko-Sesshy chapter 13 . 7/31/2017
Will you be creating a story of Koshi & Kristall?
RosesMcKellar chapter 13 . 7/16/2017
Aww, the last chapter was so cute. It was a very good epilogue. I loved reading every minute. Thank you for sharing such a cute story.
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