Reviews for Forsaken
spoofer chapter 3 . 2/1
Idk if you're still alive but I really like how you depict a loss of purpose/self, I'd love to see how this would continue. :)
DaisyAnimeluvr chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
I like this a lot. Very fine depiction of someone who has lost their sense of purpose.
brujanumber1 chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
So far I think it’s really good and the first thing that comes to my mind is that Ed was feeling surviver’s guilt.
Naluforever10 chapter 3 . 8/1/2019
This is really good. Accurate.
It gives you this churning, twisted feeling in your stomach.
Please update.
Carly chapter 3 . 6/27/2018
This is so utterly amazing I wish you would continue to write this
Carly chapter 2 . 6/27/2018
I love this. Your writing is fantastic, enjoyable and easy to read. I love the plot and the pacing. This is a perfect fan fiction.
UglyDuckling101 chapter 3 . 2/21/2018
This is really good. Your take on post promise day is refreshing. I don’t know if you plan to continue I use, however if you do, I will read every chapter. Thank you for a good read.
Jieun5418 chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
I LOVE IT! The way you described Ed's mental state is what I was worrying about after I saw the ending of Brotherhood.
I always thought Ed could never get his happy ending because there's so many people to remember. So many people dead. And after saving the world and returning Al's body ge has no purpose. Not anything big enough for Ed anyway.
There's so many things I want to write here, but unfortunately my English isn't very good... I really really loved your story, and I hope you'll update soon.
manga.geek.3 chapter 3 . 3/26/2017
I love this. I don't know where you're headed with this, but it is quite fascinating! though I do wish the chapters were longer xD
Attackoneverything chapter 3 . 9/13/2016
Ed what are you thinking?...
Can't wait for you to update XD
A thought is a spark chapter 3 . 7/1/2016
This is a very interesting piece, when I first read the first chapter, I wasn't sure you would continue it. Now I'm oh so very curious on how it will play out that I can't wait for the next chapter.
Thank you for writing this, it's really good
Guest chapter 3 . 6/30/2016
This is still one of my favorite FMA fics. Love the update, your style is fantastic!
Harryswoman chapter 3 . 6/29/2016
Ooooh! So totally awesome! Poor Ed! Poor Al! Poor Mustang and group!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/29/2016
Oh my god yes. Beautiful pain in my heart. Please keep writing. Yes.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/1/2016
Please continue this! It has very good potential to be amazing!
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