Reviews for Badge of a Fighter
zaylo267 chapter 11 . 12/25/2017
OO that most unfortunate soul is going to get trouble again XD
Vanessa Masters chapter 11 . 5/25/2017
Oh dear, female larry butz about to be framed!

And Phoenix meets Mikey :D
Guest chapter 10 . 4/13/2017
Please do more! I want to read more, this is my favorite!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/25/2017
Please to continue more soon!
I want to read more of your story!
supertinagirl6 chapter 8 . 9/7/2016
Author's Response - I think I understand what you're saying. I will do my best to incorporate those elements in future chapters. As for Mikey, yes I'm very aware of the rules concerning spirit mediums. But I decided to tweak them for the story in order to explore a male spirit medium theme. Mikey story was going to be vastly different from Maya's since I wanted to explore his thoughts of being the only male in his village. But just like Maya he would be worried about taking on the duty as leader. In truth I had too much fun writing Damian as a devilish gentleman which I guess blinded me from the fact his actions weren't like Dahlia's. As for Nix "Female Phoenix" I admit I was too focused trying to make sure that the events were copy and paste that I hadn't considered that she changed her mind too fast. I will do my best to avoid these problems in the future. Thank you for your critique, I really appreciate it and it has helped me revaulate my draft of the plot line so I can revise a few things.
NNinja chapter 9 . 9/7/2016
Ok, i take it back, you did stray from canon and even added a new case of your own. Still, while i understand your concern about not making everyone OOC don't foget that it's not about not making characters OOC but about explaining WHY they are OOC. Keeping everyone in-character is fine, but don't overdo it. This is AU, story strayed from canon very early, as early as Phoenix's birth. Obviously there will be changes, perhaps bigger than you think, and if you truly mean to keep everyone in character, they will have to react to these changes. For example Iris making Phoenix that sweater in canon was rather girly thing to do, now that she's a guy him doing the exact same thing felt rather weird, same thing with Mia calling Phoenix pussy, when she was a guy this made sense, a guy crying comes across as pussy(unless he's John Rambo or Zack Fair, then he can get away with it), but a girl crying comes across as someone who needs a hug, so now that he's a girl it doesn't make much sense that Mia would be mean to her just because she cried. Not to mention keeping Mike a spirit medium when it was explicitly stated in canon that only Fey girls are mediums. On the other hand you DID make Phoenix OOC at the point which doesn't seem to have anything to do with gender-change, namely him quickly accepting that "Damy" is a dick. In canon he claimed that Dahlia on the stand seemed like someone else entirely from the "Dollie" he knew, here she just accepted that "Demy" was asshole all along, even though Damian did far worse job at pretending not to be evil than Dahlia did. So far i'm willing to give it a shot, but remember, you're wrinting an AU so try to explore what did your change really change instead of just trying to keep everything as it was despite this change.
supertinagirl6 chapter 9 . 9/7/2016
Author Response - That is not true Nninja, had you continued reading you would have seen that I only briefly follow the games' plots. I do incorporate my own elements in order to make sure the story is unique and not a copy and paste. I also do not want to stray too far, just cause it's an AU doesn't mean you can write all the characters OOC. But none the less, I still accept your criticism.
NNinja chapter 2 . 9/7/2016
So far the story is rather... dissapointing. I was hoping of seeing what would happened if this guy wasn't a guy but instead you've changed genders of EVERYONE you needed to make original story happen and then you're basically retelling it with practically no changes except few guys are girls and vice versa. What's the point of change that changes nothing?
NNinja chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
No matter how hard i try i just can't imagine Dahlia Hawthorne being a guy, i just can't. She's just to much femme fatale for that.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/31/2016
I love it! Getting more excited, please doing more!
Guest chapter 7 . 5/31/2016
I wish to read more of your story, I love it and it getting me tensed!
Storyus Raccoonus chapter 6 . 4/20/2016
I really enjoyed this. I hope it gets updated soon.
Demon Angel Songstess chapter 6 . 2/3/2016
Awesome! New chapter was great. I love the interactions between characters and the plot so far. Please continue and update soon. This story is really one of a kind. Hope I can motavate you. Till next time~
MildeAmasoj chapter 5 . 1/6/2016
Loving this. Very well written, and I love the little twists you added. Please update soon :)
EclipseKuran chapter 5 . 12/21/2015
I love genderbends so much! Please update soon.
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