Reviews for Revelations
jmountyn74 chapter 11 . 9/1/2019
Great story.
lilidelafield chapter 11 . 6/4/2016
Hi there.
I just discovered this story of yours and overcome with curiosity I started to read...and read...and read. Once started, I had to keep reading until the end.
I loved your story, a brilliant prequel for the original series. I am certain it happened just as you describe!
Your storytelling style is compelling, your grammar and spelling are spot on and we can all learn a lot about good storytelling from you. I just have to favourite this one, because no way do I want to have to trawl through the pages to find it next time I feel like a good read with a lot of chuckles thrown in. Very well done indeed.
Loopstagirl chapter 11 . 7/15/2015
This is the best birthday present a girl can ask for. I have giggled my way through this story from start to finish and I absolutely loved it.

This chapter is no exception. I'm so glad that Jeff finally came clean with Gordon about why he wanted him to be able to fly and that Gordon accepted it and is willing to be part of the team. Especially admitting to having doubts about his own future plans. I love that this is his reason for wanting to join WASP - perfect training, that's for sure.

Nothing beats Grandma at the end though. Jeff can pretend to be fatherly the whole way through all he likes but she knows best - he really is just as bad as those boys of his.

Thank you so much! Definitely one I'm going to be re-reading time and time again! Can't wait to see what you come out with next.
JOTRACY123 chapter 11 . 7/15/2015
Yeah I got to catch up at last. Sorry about not reviewing the last few chapters had a busy few weeks but looking forward to what's in store next well done xxx
KriliraFrostDragon'68 chapter 11 . 7/14/2015
I'm still living this story... I can't wait to find out what happens next.!
TBMom chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Great story! Enjoyed it very much and look forward to more stories from you!
IWillNeverStopFangirling chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Aww this was great!
Loved it
whirlgirl chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Really liked this one! Gordy is more sensible than the others think. and Alan isn't the tattle tale they all make him out to be! John on the other hand is far and away more devious and clever than any of them knew! Yes indeedy, He'd take over the world without anyone EVER realizing it! As for Jeff making it up to his boys for having to cut short the family outing, it may take a few months but Virgil will remember it as his BEST birthday ever! There is something so very right about where they all are at the end of this story. Working slowly and surely toward that worthy goal together as a family. Nicely done!
Leandra.Falconwing chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
HAH! All they needed to get help was use a phone?

And John told Grandma what had happened but she didn't believe him! Hehe. Yes, a bored John and all the technology of Thunderbird 5 /is/ a terrifying thought...he could probably take over the world if he wanted to. :P
KVD chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Absolutely brilliant ending, i'm really sad its finished now :( great journey and ideas thanks for the good read.
Madilayn chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Great ending - I really enjoyed this whole fic. A lovely origin story and great characterisations.
Darkflame's Pyre chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Sorry I've not reviewed your stories in forever, but I've read all of them thus far. As usual this was absolutely brilliant, love the boys scheme, and the switching back and forth was a really fantastic way of combining timelines, and I love the continuity of all your stories, you make it seem so effortless. Definitely looking forward to your next one.

Take care. :)
thunderbird5 chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
Go grandma.
Scribbles97 chapter 11 . 7/12/2015
And how right you are Grandma! :D Loved it all, absolutely brilliant!
Loopstagirl chapter 10 . 7/9/2015
This is absolutely genius! I love it so much! The levels of deviousness are taken to a whole new level in this story. No wonder they grow up to save the world considering how well they can work together now even if it is reluctantly!

Fantastic chapter! This has been such an awesome story, every chapter has made me grin like a loon - thank you!
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