Reviews for The Call of Darkness
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Poor Patamon! I hope that he's going to be ok. It must be something serious though because it was enough to affect TK like that. I'm wondering who it was that took Patamon and is doing this to him ... I have a few guesses who it might be. I get the feeling Ken might know something too with the way he was acting. Good start to the story and I hope that you're planning to write more of it in the future! :D
Nieves JS chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
hello! I loved the fic
I'm Argentina but I read the same n_n
I'll wait anxiously upgrade

-'I wish you luck, kisses and digivolves!
Miss Anonymous hp chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
Awww, thank you so much for this! This was such a great and mysterious start! I loved all of the little things thrown in there, from Patamon's POV to TK's to TK and Patamon's connection... I even loved the Daiken parts! But you know what I really loved? I loved that you had a Davis and TK friendship moment in there. I really hope to see many, many more of those in the future! Keep up the great work, and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!