Reviews for Daughter of the Morning
Guest chapter 29 . 12/8/2018
I have to ask are you going to update the story?
xbox432 chapter 29 . 11/19/2018
Great story, I'm loving how you're actually fleshing out bits and pieces of the characters personalities and motivations. Here's hoping you update this again someday! :D
Alternet RedSkys chapter 29 . 7/18/2018
Man this is a really good story best I've read in s long time got lost in it easily.

Is this story dead or is it getting an update? Dam I really want to read more!
EL17JShough2 chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
Do you plan on finishing this story?
DarkKnightofIT chapter 9 . 9/4/2017
"About that…" Risky sighed as she freed her arms of the brush to easily yank off her right leg, despite the staples. "…mines? Really?"
Risky sighed? Risky? Methinks you meant rotty...
Good read so far.
NightmareKnight1 chapter 29 . 9/2/2017
Interesting story. Seems like the only Shantae fic on this site that's even worth a damn length wise, and it's not even that long. Hell, it's not even my preferred genre. But this is, almost literally, the only decent length Shantae fanfic on this site.
CrazyQuilava chapter 29 . 8/25/2017
Whoo! New chapter for a new day, exactly how I like to start my mornings. Thanks for this, it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to. Looking forward to whatever's coming next. Rooting for ya! Crazyquilava
David chapter 28 . 8/7/2017
Please countinue with this I need this in my life.
Monsieur A chapter 23 . 2/11/2017
''Once she picked out a outfit, she tore off her former disguise.'' Okay, what is it with Risky and tearing clothes off? I mean honestly, does she ever just take off clothes like a normal person would?
Monsieur A chapter 20 . 2/11/2017
"You got booze!" Bolo shouted from the back. "Why is there booze at a party for a pregnant woman?" My sentiments exactly! I don't care if it's century old wine, no booze at a party for a pregnant woman!
Nyria Waynes chapter 12 . 2/11/2017
Well, I think you could have come up with a better loophole, this one barely counts. For example, Risky was speaking about herself not returning to Scuttle Town, but I don't think she mentioned her Tinkerbats, so she could just send them to give Shantae a message. Or maybe Shantae's lighthouse legally not being a part of Scuttle Town, just something a bit more creative. It seemed a bit too cheap for Risky, her plans usually seem to be a bit better and I could totally see her using legal loopholes to her advantage without being so obvious about it. Oh well.
You should also go back and correct some of the previous chapters. Grammar/spelling is fine, but sometimes you confused Rotty with Risky. Oh well, the names are a bit similar, stuff like this happens. Otherwise a pretty nice story, at least so far.
Gyaszmadar chapter 2 . 1/7/2017
Umm if you read this i have a question... How did this exactly happen? Was there genie magic involved in this or Risky is a hermaphrodite?
Guest chapter 22 . 12/28/2016
Really Epic
Continue the Great work
nahte123456 chapter 21 . 12/13/2016
It's a cute little fic. I like Sky and Rotty, they're cute. Shantae is nice, but with her and Risky I just feel like they're a bunch of build up and I'm waiting for the pay off. I'm interested in seeing how this will end up, I highly doubt Nina is going to be a little Satan or something, and I also doubt that Shantae is just going to let Risky take Nina years from now or that Risky would be content with that, so I wonder what will happen. The most likely option seems to be that Risky quits Pirating, at least mostly, and helps the two live happily, but there are other options.
Yoshomo chapter 18 . 7/2/2016
I am enjoying reading this, had some good laughs with how overprotective everyone is with Shantae. I was surprised at the Rotty/Sky relationship but it's grown on me. Looking forward to seeing how much Risky is willing to do to get Shantae to stay with her without a fight.
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