Reviews for The Great Costume Mystery
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
BlackNeko20 chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
love this piece. you should do more like this. and whoever gave you the binky/cinderella idea is genius lol.

i don't know what's up with lucy's review though. you told me you never reported her stories or started anything with her. so why is she flaming yours? has she done it elsewhere? did more go on than i know about? i don't know why this place became so dramatic. you're too busy for it too, chrys. pm me later so we can talk _ and good luck with your classes if we can't talk.
LucytheGREAT chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
oh come on, just stop with your Arthur stories
you guys are seriously pathetic scum. You are too chicken shit to tell me to my face but I will.
You're stories are the offal of this fandom, one of the many.