Reviews for To fly without wings
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2016
This is the most perfect fanfiction I find for my taste, it's truly amazing, I read it and my heart melts. I would be so thankfull if you continued it, it has so much potential and I'll say it again: it's perfection for me.
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
that was such a cute story :)
Kiscia chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
hehe I got into Owari barely 4 months ago and I fell in love instantly! Now Im obssesed with Yu and Mika, this is something I would like to see in the manga but I guess it will never come true but oh well. And I didnt think about Mika offering blood for food as a way of prostitution before but now it seems possible. On a side note since day 1 I was a yuumika fan haha Im a little sad because the isnt much stories like that. Thanks for the story I really like it
TheVastEmptiness chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Yes! Finally an author that understands my need for bottom Mika. I really hope you continue this~
DOPSOP chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
Please carry on with this story! it's amazing!
FioraLee Yue chapter 1 . 10/18/2015
omgajkjahsjamkasjhsjnSjjhajhs; I finally found a fic with a protective and a possessive Yuu something i completely crave ever since this ship ruined me!
Dear author thank you so much for existing! T_T

Right now it doesn't show as much that Yuu is the possessive and protective to a fault kind of partner, but I believe his straightforwardness and honesty are what makes him stand out and strong. Some kind of characteristics for a top.
As for Mika, he's wholly independent, level-headed and is capable of many things, on top of that so doting on Yuu and it's easy to see him as a top. But totally see him as submitting to Yuu because he just couldn't help it when it comes to him XD Man Yuu's such a lucky guy to have such a beautiful creature Mika by his side.

Anyway I am extremely happy I discovered this gem. Your fanfic saved me T_T im so happy I found it!
i know it's been months since it's posted, but i would still say that i would be ecstatic if you continue!

Thank you so much!
HashSlingingAnon chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
-found on this site*
HashSlingingAnon chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
This is sooooo nice. I hope you continue writing this. It's so cute and I can relate to your reasoning on why you like YuuMika. This is one of the only YuuMika fics I've found on , and it's the best I've read. :)
amechan87 chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
More like this please. I like the idea of mika getting badly hurt ang yuu tending to his wounds...
JeagerLicious chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
AWWWW, such cuties! if only this happened in the anime :)
sereneskydragonslayer chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
I'd love a continuation, this was so sweet
emphysics chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
This was so good! I wonder if there's more..? and yeah totally agree with your end notes. I kinda prefer Mika as the bottom (though both can be switch).

Can't wait for more YuuMika from you. Thanks for sharing!
ParzivalHallows chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I loved this so much! And I totally agree with you on the end notes, it totally reminded me and my friend of prostitution. Plus Ferid acts like a creep, so there's some points haha.
LuvversLuvvie chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
omg I cant wait to see if there's more!
Faith Yoite chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
This story is so sweet, I really hope for a continuation!
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