Reviews for The Girl In Yellow
non of ur business sorry chapter 4 . 11/13/2018
When will u update?
AstroLibra chapter 4 . 11/20/2016
Really hope you keep this going!(:
TigerWitchKimika-Chan chapter 4 . 11/6/2016
Love the story! I hope you update soon, i like this persepctive on Goku you have 3
gokuluvr chapter 4 . 10/17/2015
I'm loving it and I really wish that there ate fanfics that bring goku and a saiyan female pairing.
Bella-swan11 chapter 4 . 6/30/2015
Goku because they do not talk to Vegeta, maybe what you get is normal in saiyajin. Maybe it is in your nature to look for a pair that suits you, talk to him for your sake.
You can not be silent only when you know your situation is delicate, just think that for your sake you must solve things if you do not love your wife separate for the good of both.

DJ Meltdown of Ground Xero chapter 4 . 6/29/2015
That thought is a little disturbing...Gohan sounding like chichi lol, heck i dont blame goku
ruler of dragons chapter 4 . 6/28/2015
First of all, congrats on a healthy baby niece. I bet she's beautiful! Fun fact: I was actually born 3 months early.
Before I get into the feedback, even though you PM'd me about how much you enjoyed the piece, your shout out and using it as your cover just made me tear up. You honestly made my day. This whole week has been beyond rough (My grandma has only a few days left to live at the most. She's 87 and has had lung cancer for quite some time) your sweet words brought a smile to my face. So thank you. I'm always really nervous whenever I create an art piece for someone for the first time. I never know what kind of feedback I'll get back and I always wonder if I over or under did something. My reviews never seem like their enough, so I hope my fanart and continued artwork will convey what my words cannot.
Now for the feedback. You have once again exceeded my expectations. Not surprising though, you are very talented. I love how you portrayed Gohan and how Goku's observations show how different and distant they've become. It always saddens me knowing Gohan chose a life of studies and with Videl (I firmly believe Gohan could have done MUCH better than Hercule's daughter. It also unnerves me about how anal Gohan has become about cleanliness. It's like when did you suddenly become too good to avoid nature? It really does show Chichi's Vulcan death grip of control she had on him and it really is a shame. When Gohan came back to fight Buu after Mystic training, I was ecstatic. Finally he had a backbone and he was his own person. And then they just made him into this boring dweeb. His conversation with Goku was so awkward and it's clear how distant they've become. Not once did he ask if his Father was okay, it's how Goku has inconvenienced everyone. And God forbid Gohan actually lower himself to find him. I'm bursting with curiosity about what or who the reinforcements are. Is Noah the reinforcement? I sure hope so, I'm dying to see verbal interaction between her and Goku.
Morrowsong chapter 4 . 6/28/2015
I know it sounds weird, not to mention bad, but...I can't wait for the evil part of Goku! Does that make me a rotten person, or just a human one? :P Love the story, can't wait for more!
DJ Meltdown of Ground Xero chapter 3 . 6/16/2015
Awesome can't wait for the next chapter
akgrownrandi chapter 3 . 6/4/2015
Oh, so curious. I bet ChiChi is behind this all. Can't wait 'til the next chapter! Will Goku meet a different lady? :)
ruler of dragons chapter 3 . 5/30/2015
I almost had a heart attack when I saw the update. I've been checking for an update almost every day since I discovered this story. It was totally worth the wait. I love how you have delved into Goku's mind and shown how he really is smarter and more observant than people give him credit for. And just like how his patience isn't completely unlimited, and how even he is getting tired of being the ultimate savior, I imagine that sometimes he acts happy-go-lucky and oblivious because it's easier to bear people's expectations of him. But I have a feeling he'll get tired of that too.
Also, you had me yelling "NOOOOO!" At how this chapter ended. Worst cliffhanger ever! Does Noah babysit Goten? Does she work at Capsule? Is she a cyborg? How? Who? Why? I've got so many questions! You've outdone yourself again! Really you should give yourself more credit. I can't wait to get to read more about Noah so I can make you some proper fan art!
Morrowsong chapter 3 . 5/30/2015
Oh boy, Goku's definitely descending into darker territory! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Littlebrwk chapter 3 . 5/29/2015
I need moar!
Zugra913 chapter 3 . 5/29/2015
The suspense! You always keeps us waiting on the edge of our seat. Lol. I am in love with this so far keep up the great work!
Zombiegirl777 chapter 3 . 5/29/2015
I love the idea behind this story and where it is going... Plus, your writing and the dialogue for the characters is spot on! Keep up the great work :]
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