Reviews for He Calls Me Beautiful
Ayerim Herrera chapter 1 . 1/7
I love them
Emma Raye chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
I really enjoyed this! I thought Sai was little harsher than usual, but it was super OOC or anything. I loved the picture book at the end and way he comes to terms with his feelings. You did well developing both of their feelings without it feeling rushed! I liked this a lot!
MLLu chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
While reading this I couldn't help smiling plus being in surprised, well only in the beginning given the surprised answers from Sai! Simply like that guy. Anyway, your storyline is absolutely marvellous and adorable to read. I really like how much you explored their feelings for each other. From the beginning where nothing happened till the end with them being parents. It was a nice journey to follow and I'm glad that I got to follow it. Your characteristics of Ino and Sai were spot on! Your way of showing them through their dialog was such a pleasure to read.
One little thing I would have like to have read (and this is just me), is Sai getting in a fist fight with the other guy at the end instead. But perhaps that is too cliché.
Other than that I really really like this one-shot. One of my favourite InoSai moment ever. I'm going to tick that favourite box right now

Guest chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
I loved that ink tiger at the end! I just found it adorable!
Poodie chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
reviewing! i really liked this :D great job!
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
It's good.. Love the implied NaruHina hahah..
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
The development of this relationship is not an easy one to juggle. On first glance they look to be total opposites.

I like what you did with Sai and his gradual gravitation to understanding love and capturing the feelings he felt through his art. My favorite part was when he finally used the word "beautiful" appropriately when meeting his newborn son.
Wintry Leen chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
This is the first InoSai fic I've ever read!

I clicked on the story right away because of the title. It speaks so much of our adored couple. I must say that you nailed Ino's character and I really like how you presented her character in the early stages of her 'friendship' with Sai.

I must also admit, however, that starting from the part where she cried because Sai was "harsh" to her, I no longer saw the Ino that I liked from the beginning of the story. Perhaps this is some sort of a development, a change in her character which is a good thing because her character didn't remain flat. But I think it was just too abrupt for me. She emerged as a strong character and I don't think the circumstances that you put her in justified the diminution of that glow. I also think that the Takuma part was unnecessary.

But the one thing that I will never forget about this story is Sai's picture book that contains his sketches of Ino. It was very original for me and I can imagine the touching scene in my head without it coming off as cliche.

Thank you for this!
FightingDreamer1310 chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
This is so BEAUTIFUL! I liked the way you developed SaiIno's
relationship. Also, Sai's character was beautifully written!
ladycybele chapter 1 . 7/17/2015
yep2 agree with you author dear, with sai's lack of emotion it would be too impossible for im to fall in love immediately.. loved how their relationship developed nice story
SnowLili chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
This... Is just brilliant! I love it! Thank you for sharing! You managed to make such a depth in SaiIno and damn... I just love it when he rephrases the word 'beautiful'... It becomes even more meaningful by the end of it... Thank you for writing and posting! :)
Pixie07 chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
It's a really cute story, I like it at lot. I also think that for them to fall in love with each other took them a passive and slow process.

Sorry for posting twice, I wan't logged in (XP hehe)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
It's a really cute story, I like it at lot. I also think that for them to fall in love with each other took them a passive and slow process.
Hermione Hawthorne chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Nice story. I don't lie I like them, but reading this makes me want more of them.
chemistrykim chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
awww.. the oneshot is too short for my liking i wish it was not a one-shot though but thanks for writing ino-sai fic.. i'm actually checking everyday for new fics on them and this was a great fic..