Reviews for Kingdom Hearts: Keys to the Kingdom
The Not-So-Ultimate Writer chapter 18 . 8/19
I suddenly started thinking. If the carpet can lift four people without any problems, why couldn't it lift the cabinet?
The Not-So-Ultimate Writer chapter 7 . 8/10
They've known each other for like two days, but they kind of sound as though they've been lying for weeks.
D.J. Scales chapter 40 . 3/8/2019
Well if you ask me. I for one think you did pretty well on this story as a whole. it's one of the best Kingdom Hearts Stories I've seen.
D.J. Scales chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
I think the title of this chapter is appropriate for the First Day of the Keys to the Kingdom Series.
D.J. Scales chapter 2 . 7/10/2018
So far this is turning out well.
Nightwing2013 chapter 19 . 3/12/2018
Aaaand there’s my favorite line in the whole movie. “Jafar. Jafar. He’s our man. If he can’t do it GREAT!”
Story favorited.
Nightwing2013 chapter 18 . 3/12/2018
Fourth wall broken: check. Voice of the late Robin Williams running through my head: check. Interest in story: check.
Defender31415 chapter 40 . 8/1/2017
This was amazing. Azlyn and Telary are great OCs. I really liked all the twists you did on the main story. Favorited. Looking forward to reading the sequel, but it will be odd if you skip Chain of Memories...
FlameSparks7 chapter 4 . 8/4/2016
Didn't they already introduce each other?
Other than that I love the story.
BlissfulNightRain chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
Hello hello! Started reading this pretty late - in terms of the fic being complete at this point, and the literal time (2:30 AM here lol) but I didn't want to go to bed or advance without leaving a review! A friend recommended this to me since she and I are always on the hunt for good OC stories, and I will say, this was a promising start!

I know it might be a little late for concrit, but I'll be honest and say that the first half or so of this fic was me just skimming - while, as a story, it's nice to include Sora's background info/canon happenings to tie in, as a reader who's a fan of the series (as is most of your audience), it was a little tedious to get through, since there wasn't any new information, you know?

But once I got past all that and got to Telary and Azlyn (great original names btw!) I was hooked. You gave them pretty interesting roles that you don't often see with OCs (aka they're not mega-light-hikari-angel keyblade wielders), which was really refreshing! I don't know too much about them yet or what you plan on doing with them in the story, but I like their dynamic a lot so far and they seem to have fun personalities (Tel is a doll omg).

So, yeah, looking forward to reading more of this soon!
Crescent Sunrise chapter 40 . 2/1/2016
Excellent rendition of the Kingdom Hearts universe. I hope I enjoy the sequel just as much. Would recommend this for any KH fan.
Crescent Sunrise chapter 11 . 1/29/2016
Very good story. I hope to catch up to your sequel soon.
Guest chapter 17 . 12/16/2015
I am surprised this story has only gotten 32 reviews! It is a phenomenally crafted story! I can't wait to continue on reading this, and eventually make it to the sequel!
B. T. Emmett chapter 40 . 10/30/2015
Ohhh my gosh, I can't believe it's actually over! Tears are threatening to fall, both sad and happy.

I only noticed it just now, but a handful of OCs tend to pull the focus from canon characters. Not only that, in certain cases the canon storyline is sometimes downplayed in favor for an original plot. Not that it's bad, but well, that's just my personal preference to stick close to canon. All in all, congratulations! I believe you achieved what you were aiming for.

Since the sequel would be released at the end of November (or later), I'm glad to say I'm looking forward to it! Exams are over by then, so that's a bonus for me, haha.

Glad to be supporting,
Mustard Plug chapter 40 . 10/29/2015
I feel amazing...

I finished reading a story on Fanfiction that had so much Heart (no pun intended) that it actually made me cry at the end. I love this story so much, and I'm glad it's going to continue. I just can't describe my current feeling... It's all warm and stuff... It brings tears to my eyes! Freaking tears!

Oh man, oh man...

I don't think I'll be able to play Kingdom Hearts III when it comes out without thinking about Azlyn and Telary in Donald and Goofy's place...

Now, if you'll pardon me, I gotta spend my entire weekend playing Kingdom Hearts...

Thanks. I really needed some encouragement to write...
Artisan out!
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