Reviews for Welcome to NHS
Anjion chapter 9 . 4/1/2016
Loved it!
Anjion chapter 6 . 4/1/2016
I love Roundhouse too! And this story.
Pegasus M chapter 9 . 8/11/2009
Hahaha, best POV transition ever. Swifty and LOTR awesomeness. Pie and his chicken pot pie. Muffins, pickles, noodles. I'm hungry. Mondie going out with Jake? Really?

I'd sad this got up to nine chapters only, but it was a fun ride nevertheless!
Pegasus M chapter 8 . 8/11/2009
Oh my gosh, Boots and his "bling bling" and his "G" and his "dawg"! I can't believe the school is going to be replaced with a highway - where will all the boys and girls go? Will they be separated?

By the way, I love that Bumlets is the popular new guy with the floppy dark hair, ha!
Pegasus M chapter 7 . 8/10/2009
Seriously, kids these days, huh? ;P

/“Shoot, listen, I probably have ten seconds before I’m dead.”

There was a moment’s hesitation on the other end.

“Pie? You there?”

“Can I have your stereo?”/ I laughed out loud on this one! That was great.

Ruin overdosed on Ny-Quil! Hilariousness!

Hope Swifty doesn't get caught for being at a party when he's supposed to be grounded...
Pegasus M chapter 5 . 8/10/2009
Seitz is the principal? Denton is the gym teacher? This is amazing. What an awesomely odd school! :D

Aww, poor Swifty got detention!

/“That… that… that bum-”

“Let’s just go inside,” Pie-eater interrupted, appearing behind me.

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“Uh, let’s-”

“Hah,” I started towards the door. “Bum. Let’s. Bumlets. Strange word.”/ Dorks!
Pegasus M chapter 4 . 8/10/2009
There were too many parts I loved in this chapter. First! That I was soo very happy to see that Pie and Swifty played the trombone, because guess who else played the trombone? Yes, me! That was way back in elementary and junior high school - ah, band.

Some favorite parts:

/“Instruments, sir?” the new kid supplied.

“Yes! Instruments. Thank you, uh, boy.”

“Yes sir,” Mush mimicked. “Sir? Who calls anyone ‘sir’ these days?”

“I think it’s nice that there are still respectful boys left in the world,” Mondie answered airily.

“Oh, yeah, me too!” Mush agreed quickly. “Uh, ma’m.”/

/"Shut up! Shut up!"/ Pulitzer as the band teacher! Brilliant!

Why *is* Jake always so mysterious?

/“What… is… this….” he tried to find the right word, shaking with fury.

“Crap, sir?” new boy spoke up from the bleachers.

“WHAT IS THIS CRAP?” Pulitzer roared./ Haha!
Pegasus M chapter 3 . 8/10/2009
Oh goodness, I feel like I've just traveled back in time! - Mondie! She would never turn Mush down, what the heck is she thinking? ;P

Ha! The best movie in science - sure! I loved that last bit of dialogue there. Oh, Dutchy... And poor Pie!
Pegasus M chapter 2 . 8/10/2009
So I stumbled upon this while venturing through the Communities link on , since I've never ventured through that before. And goshdarn, every aspect of this fanfic is nutso! I mean that in a good way. The story cracks me up, the comments crack me up, and the reviews people left crack me up. Geez louise!

Skittery as a bully? Snoddy as his minion? "Little Spot Conlon"? Oh good lord. I love reading these high school fics - they're always hilarious! Speaking of high school fics, what happened to "Working Title"? I need to reread that because it was just so brilliant.

Anyway, onto the next chapter!
Skarsgaard chapter 9 . 7/13/2007
It just...ends. That is like. So wrong. BUT. I liked it. It made me laugh the whole time. Do you know how hard it is to make me laugh? Anywho. I hope thats not the end of it...I mean...I hope its still be writen...otherwise that would be just really wrong.

shortie is back chapter 4 . 2/10/2007
Updated: 07-12-03

see this? this is a problem. :O
pumkinsoup chapter 9 . 5/6/2005
Yeah, I realize you haven't updated this since July, which means I probably just wasted about an hour reading this. But whatever. I don't care! It was amazing! And it's going in my favorites and if you don't update it sometime in the next few months, I will attack you with rabid turkeys!

Snitch: And we thought she was weird... *rolls eyes*

Hey! Hey! Whoa. Watch it, buster. Anyways, great ficcy! Update! *pulls out pack of rabid turkeys*

DodgerMcClure chapter 9 . 9/6/2004
Escaping to class..who knew someone would try to escape from the lunch room. Hell, I wouldn' . Great work Keza. Keep it up and I'll see you on the .
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 9 . 8/1/2004
what? no more?


(i also want review-leaving talent, some cheetos, a laptop, a boyfriend, a toothpick, an endless supply of raid, and to be in les mis. for the record.) -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 8 . 8/1/2004
bake sale to save the school.

i certainly hope hijinks ensue. XD -B
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