Reviews for Homeward
SnowyFruitcake chapter 16 . 11/8/2018
Aww... absolutely love this beautiful fic :) i'm a new fan, so it's very late for me here, but it was worth to read and kissed by this beauty. I like how soft the flow of your story, made me feel relaxed yet indulged and eventually drowned in the urge to squeezed Slaine and Inaho together, haha. Love this one, thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 16 . 12/6/2017
I love of the best stories in fanfiction I ever read! Keep up a good work..
Sorzo chapter 16 . 8/11/2017
Aldnoah Zero's official conclusion left me wanting more closure, particularly regarding Slaine and whether he would manage to find redemption. For all his misdeeds, the poor guy went through so much suffering that a greater level of catharsis was needed than the vague glimmer of hope that the show's final moment offered.

Thankfully, this story did a superb job in filling that void, as I'm sure was the intent. It wasn't perfect; I could have done without the constant ship-teasing between the two protagonists, would have liked more insight into Yuki's mind, and felt the setup was rather rushed. Overall, however, Homeward was a satisfying, heartwarming tale with moving depictions of grace and family.

Taking a mostly slow, relaxed approach to a series that canonically revolves around war and mech battles is certainly an unconventional approach, but the shift to slice-of-life was a welcome one that made the characters feel more real. Inaho in particular benefited from this, as the show version of him more often than not felt like an unstoppable plot device and little else. I still find Slaine the far more compelling of the two, but it was nice to get inside Inaho's head and see a bit more of the humanity hidden behind his stoic expressions.

I'm curious where things will go from here; hopefully Shattered Chains be a worthy continuation. Either way, I've adopted Homeward as my headcanon continuation of the series, which is perhaps the highest praise a story like this can receive. Well done.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/17/2016
That ending had the perfect set up for a kiss scene!
Guest chapter 15 . 11/17/2016
That's right Slaine show him how you feel through your bodies... Even if you are asleep.

Inaho has inadvertently stolen Slaine from Asseylum and is unconsciously proud of it!

That anklet should be replaced with a different type of tracking device maybe a chip, bracelet, necklace, or ring? I mean they have gaint armored robots and flying space ships so it should be possible to get something a bit less hazardous to Inaho's body. Not that he could mention that's why he wanted a different type.

Grr.. Stupid princess!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/17/2016
I wouldn't necessarily hot the hot bath time scene, but it was still kind of thrilling.

Slaines devoting can be a scary thing... Even if he was only joking

Poor, poor naive boys who are you kidding? Getting married to someone else? You both been 'sleeping' with each other for months. No wife would allow her husband to sleep with another man, even if sleeping was all they where doing.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/17/2016
This is amazing I just want to keep reading more!
Guest chapter 10 . 11/17/2016
Pounce on him with physical force huh? Sounds kinda hot!

Oh, Inaho thinks Slaine's as important as Yuki and loves them both huh!?

Lol... Yuki wants to beat the Space Pirates through seduction and wanted to know if Slaine would help? Inaho's response - Rejected!

Image if Inaho had to use seduction techniques on someone he doesn't know of like... Hahahaha!
Guest chapter 9 . 11/17/2016
Ohhh is sh* about to go down? Both Slaine and Inaho a strong if not slightly strange sense of honor when it comes to women... Though Inahos is probably just for Yuki.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/17/2016
Oh yeah! Some InahoxSlaine time! And Inaho's reply to Yuki saying if Slaine slept with her she'd be violated.. I'm surprised Slaine didn't defend himself. I cant picture Slaine violating a woman like that. I loved this chapter!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/17/2016
Wow Inaho was so cool! That's right put them in their places!
Guest chapter 5 . 11/17/2016
Aww... Poor Inaho and Slaine both denying and confused over their feelings!

Inaho's getting sick does that mean Slaines gonna nurse him back to health?
Guest chapter 4 . 11/17/2016
Awww man the feels... The FEELS! Slaines tortured past leading to poor grief filled life choices fueled by a one sided love with a woman who ignored his misery starts to come to light! Inaho starts to have (to him) unknown emotions. Not to mention the epic nightmare comfort of bed sharing!
PlotBunnies4u chapter 3 . 11/17/2016
When you mentioned Slaine not being able to use chop sticks I couldn't help image Inaho get up close and personal with him to help show him how. My first thought was of Inaho sitting behind him, leaning over shoulder, wrapping his hands around him, then putting his hands on top of Slaine's and proceeding to feed him... My second thought was of Inaho sitting in Slaine's lap and doing pretty much the same thing. In both cases Inaho would be the completely emotional less, slightly clueless (in the ways of his yet unknown love) Inaho and inivertially flustering Slaine who becomes to embarrassed and shocked to even push him away.

Ahh.. Poor Slaine doesn't known how to release his bottled up emotions in a heathly manor. Props to Inaho and Yuki for trying!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
Slaine thinks theres something about Inaho that bring out the worste in him? Y' the saying is 'There's a thin line between love and hate' 65 % of the time I feel like a could strangle my spouse... But I still love them.
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