Reviews for Resolution
wolfmusic218 chapter 5 . 4/8/2015
You know, I've never watched this show. I hadn't even heard of it until I saw the notification for the story. Took a chance and started reading it. (I follow'd you for your POI and Necessary Roughnes fics.) You've made me want to find it online and binge-watch it. :)

Great story! Really enjoyed it a lot.
JibbsRibbsNCISMotiveLover chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
Love this story! Was so excited to see that it updated on my (21st) birthday! Took a bit until I was able to read it but am so ready for the next chapter! Have loved all of your Motive stories!
scharlle chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
i actually like the end! (actually liked all of the chapters) and i think i said it before but you write this shipp so well! thank you!
AllTheThingsThatSheSaid chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
That ending was pretty steamy. I almost laugh because they haven't seen each other in like a year and the first time they thrown back together they rolling around on the sofa. But I am all for that kind of stuff so this made me whole day. Not just a moment, but whole day!
SchaeferTXTX chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
Ah, nice. The suspense didn't drag on long enough though. No dark corners to hide in, no evil villians laughing maniacally while twirling the ends of their mustache...I suppose I'll take it. Lol. Nice ending!
Goose41 chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
The conversation between Franco and Angie was very insightful in a number of ways. I'm so glad you included it. And their talk was definitely needed! Of course the action after it was lovely, lol. And the bracelet, so glad you used a bracelet to kind of keep them linked together. Very nicely done. So glad you're back writing for them!
Skylarcat chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
Okay the part where it said he pulled up her dress, had to reread it for a moment, thought things were moving in a different direction, lol. Glad to see you writing again. I need more Motive stories in my life. Like how you worked the bracelet bit back in. Good job.
AllTheThingsThatSheSaid chapter 4 . 4/3/2015
Wow. I don't know how I should feel about this chapter. Which isn't a bad thing. I'm not sure what I expected, I guess more angst, more tension, but this was a lovely surprise. A part of me thinks this is how it would go down. It speaks volumes of their relationship and what they mean to each other. That a year could go by and they could pick right back up, that the need for each other, and the happiness of seeing one another again would out weigh all the anger and pain caused through that year apart. Besides, Oscar could never stay mad at her. He loves her too much. But with that said, a part of me wished Angie had to work for it. Because Oscar deserves that. He deserves her to feel badly for leaving how she did. But as insane as this might sound, my favorite part was her lifting her leg and showing Oscar her thigh. The fact that he called her out on it and she actually smirked. Like she knew exactly what she was doing and was thrilled that she could get a reaction out of him. Loved that.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/3/2015
please tell me that a cute and sexy moment is coming for angie and oscar! please please! (give me the next one)
Goose41 chapter 4 . 4/3/2015
Wow! I'm impressed with how fast you put these chapters up :) And don't feel self-conscious about your reviews; I personally love any feedback.

Oh, Betty. So nosy, haha! But of course, who can blame her? And, um, yeah. That kiss. Wow. That was intense, lol! I don't know that I would ever feel comfortable enough for that! Whew, made me blush.
Skylarcat chapter 4 . 4/3/2015
Well lots to address. Glad you are getting so many reviews. I know as a person who attempts to write, lol, they mean everything. So I try to support other writers.

Man, I thought it was a riot when they talked about Betty and Mark being near by because their nosy. I pictureday them in Mark's office fighting to get a better view.

Angie being a tease and show Oscar so skin. He's not going to make it through night.

And that kiss...that moved along quickly lol.
Goose41 chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
Goodness, Angie. Have a little more faith in Oscar, would you? He takes any and all she's willing to give him, even if it's merely breadcrumbs. Let's see how well they handle each other in public!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
ok give me more!
SchaeferTXTX chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
I sense perhaps the makings of a happy ending! Make 'em work for it! They're going to get in so much trouble undercover...can't wait!
Skylarcat chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
Tension. And some touching. And we're off to a start. Now let's see them play married!
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