Reviews for Boy Toys
Skovko chapter 26 . 8/17/2018
This was really good. You took me through all kinds of emotions.
sodapop25 chapter 26 . 1/17/2018
awesome story
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 26 . 2/8/2016
That's the life Dean! Seriously, that's the perfect life. And SHIT SETH! Yes, I knew you couldn't let them not see each other and make up. And I'm so glad that Seth apologized and started to set things right. Those two need each other. Of course, Seth's playing with serious fire, but it really wouldn't be him if he wasn't. Haha. This is simply perfection love! I really really enjoyed it, now I just have to go catch up on your newest story!
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 25 . 2/8/2016
Oh, even Tyler's a bit of a softie in there somewhere. But Seth, that's no way to treat Dean. Yes, we know you're going to miss Dean, yes we know you're jealous that Dean's living the life and you want the same, and yes, we know that you're upset that Dean's leaving you behind, but still, this is no way to try and hide how much it hurts. And Dean should know after that long that Seth's being a completely petty little bratty bitch because he's upset. These two make my head hurt and I can't believe that Dean's still walking away, possibly forever without at least talking it over. Thank goodness for epilogues!
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 24 . 2/8/2016
A week Ro?! I know that a lot went down and you're thinking really fuckin' hard about everything, but a week without a SINGLE word, you're lucky you're dating Dean because the first thing I would've done seeing you is punching you in the face and then having a conversation. But at least these two are moving forward with their relationship and making the best of it, and Cody is full on supportive of Dean, those are the best kinds of bosses.

I'm anxious to see what Seth's going to say about this, because you know he's not gonna be okay without Dean there with him. Those two are completely inseparable.
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 23 . 2/8/2016
Oh Sheamus, you asswipe, of course you would "accidentally" drop it that Roman's leaving. And Tyler, rubbing that salt in the open wounds. But Seth's really got some serious shit to hold over his head too. Ooh, careful Tyler, it might not just be Seth Baron's fucking on the side, so much for being Baron's #1.

Now Roman and Dean, these two. So much jealousy and misunderstanding going on there. It's obvious that Dean loves Roman so much but it's messed up for Roman to give that kind of ultimatum. There's no reason that Dean can't work at the club and that doesn't mean some rich guy is gonna 'steal' him away. It doesn't work that way. Oh and yeah, pot calling the kettle black with the secret there Ro, Dean's right, you sure aren't showing him how much you care if you're hiding something that big.
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 22 . 2/8/2016
I'm so sorry that I'm behind like this! Ugh! But Holy shit! Of course Seth's gonna be a complete drama queen about Dean and Roman, but he still wants to be around Dean. And Randy being a complete ass to Seth, I mean at least he was honest, but seriously? He couldn't let him down easier? Asshole. And then Randy, forcing himself on Dean like that after being told he wasn't interested, it's redic that he can't take no for an answer. Roman! Wait! Don't run off without knowing what's going on, and not telling him about leaving... UGH! DRAMA!
GottaLoveReiding chapter 26 . 1/21/2016
So shit happened and I stopped reading this, but I came back to finish it and I love it! I hadn't read since chapter 10, so a lot happened all at once for me haha I'm glad things worked out for Seth, even IF I also was calling him a 'fucking spoiled brat' when he wouldn't say goodbye to Dean XD And Dean's side, the tattooed initials thing is so cute! I'm glad things worked out for him too :) Loved the story so much, and sad to see it's done now, but it was a very good read. Can't wait for more from you!
ambreigns85 chapter 26 . 1/18/2016
OMG I loved this so much, one of my favorite stories
ChocolateReignz chapter 26 . 1/17/2016
Seth came to his senses and I was right he was only being mean cuz he didn't want dean to leave.
I'm glad they met and wow seth didn't change.
I'm gonna miss this story.
I loved this a lot.
At most places I kept comparing it to Heartless,
This was good and a bit nicer to me, since it didn't make me cry n sad like heartless did.
But I loved it just as much.
Thank u for writing such wonderful stories for us.
Hoping to read what you write next.
Until then, have a beautiful life, stay blessed.
See u soon.
ChocolateReignz chapter 25 . 1/17/2016
Seth so stupid u r! Y dis u do that...
A part of me was hoping that when dean left seth would end up crying, And he only fought cuz he was gonna miss dean and was sad but didn't wanna show. Then dean would have forgotten something and would come back a crying seth.
But no such luck.
ChocolateReignz chapter 24 . 1/17/2016
And I'm gonna miss this story.
Glad that dean n roman made up.
But I'm worried about seth, dave?
I thought he would be with John...
Ambrosealley88 chapter 26 . 1/9/2016
Oh Seth. I'm glad he did apologize for the way he acted. And I'm glad Dean's moving worked out so well for him and Roman.

Loved this story. Just awesome stuff.
JJ Ramsey chapter 26 . 1/7/2016
Awwww I'm going miss this great ending glad they ended up being friends again
Beyoncebuysmyweed chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
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