Reviews for Things Money Can't Buy
TROLOLOLO chapter 2 . 7/10/2016
This story is OBVIOUSLY copied and pasted because the original author posted their story a YEAR before yours and EVERY SINGLE WORD is the same, even the authors note about the translations for the different languages. The only thing that was changed was the last names. Even the summary and the spacing mistakes were the same.
Xavirne chapter 1 . 4/13/2015
D: Why isn't there more?! I was gobbling this up and then, bam, nothing.

But seriously though, you set a good pace. Kept the story interesting, and even added your own flair (the languages made it awesome). Love how you describe the characters too. Don't get me wrong, Asami is fine and all but I always saw her as standoffish and snooty - you did a marvelous job making her appear as such.

Really hope you continue this! I'll be following :)
I'll-Call-You-Fern chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
This is not your story. I know who wrote it and thus is exactly the same except the surnames are different.
makorrafan10 chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
This is stolen from another writer
CrazyPhenom chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
I'm pretty sure I read the exact same story before, is this a repost?
trisz72 chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
Pretty sure this is a copy of transluciiiid's story of the same name that has been out for quite a while!
xavier.fincher chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
A little bit fast on the romance for my taste. Asami was OOC being very uppity for no good reason and the different languages came off as pretentious. But it's not bad, your writing style is good, the introductions of Mako and Korra were fine and the premise while cliche is interesting. Sorry if this comes off as harsh this is all just my opinion I don't mean to offend. But you should continue with this story