Reviews for Hopelessly in Love
smallestuke chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
I can't tell you how cute this was! :') My two fav ships put into one story. This was amazing!
McKenzieTheWriter chapter 1 . 3/24/2016
God I love it!
Amy Kitty Katz chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
This was adorable omG I CANT STOP SQUEALING!
Mleczarz chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
Oh, that was so lovely. Poor Laxus won't survive without Freed by his side xD
The only thing I reget is there was little Gale. But still I like this ff :)
PsylanceSimons chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
My goodness! This story! I can't tell you how much I freaking love this! All of the fluff gave me a cavity!

One, Laxus you dork; you can't microwave a chicken! XD I laughed so hard at that! It was beautiful! It was also entertaining how you described Freed as a rushing mother to her child. I donno why but I got a real kick outta that.

All the detail in this story was amazing and I love the way you portrayed the characters. I hope to see more soon (if this is a multi chapter, and I hope this is cause Fraxus is just too adorable) Stay awesome!