Reviews for Mess is Mine
Mezz64 chapter 51 . 9/15
Ive had to post this here as slready posted on chapter 62/63/64/ 65 all the other times ive read it.

Oh Ive read this three or four times and it still sits up there as one of my all time favourites.

It one I will go back to again and again.

Just a wonderfull fiction.

Kudos again loved rereading it

greenbean91 chapter 14 . 5/18
Corona Virrrruuus
Aidyl James chapter 65 . 12/22/2019
I enjoyed this long journey with our couple. Thank you for an interesting story.
Guest chapter 56 . 4/2/2019
lawlesseyes chapter 65 . 3/30/2019
Y'know, 3 times I started this story and stopped because I just couldn't wrap myself around Olivia not being a New Yorker and the whole dynamic of seperating up the squad cross countrt. So glad I picked it up the 4th time. Finished it, and what a fantastic story. Such a unique concept, that is serious idea, great execution, and great keeping them in character to the beast of your abilities and the story.
Lawlesseyes chapter 36 . 3/25/2019
LMAO! I hope Alex makes good on her threat to interrupting Kelli when she is about to get lucky. That had me cracking up. Can just posture Alex's facial expression when saying that.
Little Miss Nicap chapter 65 . 3/22/2019
I can't believe its come to an end, and yet its the perfect place to leave off. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! Trace619, I'll never be able to express my gratitude for taking the tiny nugget of an idea that popped into my head while listening to a song that wasn't even the same song the story was named after over 4 years ago and creating this truly wonderful story. I never imagined it would become what it did. Even though I knew the basic thread of what would happen, you exceeded my expectations immensely managing to make me laugh, cry, and surprise me along the way with Alex and Olivia. You are a fabulous writer and I ALWAYS look forward to your A/O stories.

Now I had an idea for a new story about Alex and Olivia set in high school and I think you should write it and... trace619 why are you looking at me like that?... As I was saying... Why are you shaking your hairbrush at me?... I was just thinking you could... OW! Please stop hitting me with your keyboard... OUCH!... it was just an idea! ;-P
Guest chapter 65 . 3/17/2019
Thanks for writing the story. Writing another one?
Guest chapter 65 . 3/16/2019
I have thoroughly enjoyed this story. Kudos to you & the person who had the idea for the story.
Akalittlered2 chapter 65 . 3/14/2019
I loved this update.
I have missed this story .
Thank you
DEEG1291 chapter 65 . 3/14/2019
Wow! 4 years? Who would have thought that? Love this story. Will be sorry to see it end but glad it's available to read again.
Mezz64 chapter 65 . 3/14/2019
Oh wow I found this about 18 months ago and read until I caught up I did not know it had been going for four years I’m humbled to think you made the effort to finish this remarkable piece. So many great stories get left hanging it’s so frustrating for readers.

This was just sublime it flowed so well it had humour, angst and empathy. The love between Alex and Liv just oozed of the page.

It is defiantly one I will go back to the very very start and re- read again and I’m sure I will enjoys twice as much as I do now.

I thank you again for hours of enjoyment and I truly mean that. I really hope you go on and write more AU. AO they belong together and you ended this just beautifully, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope to look forward to your new work.
A huge kudos from the U.K.
Mary. xx
Mitzy rocks chapter 65 . 3/14/2019
Ah so sad its over, but loved this story from start to finish...
Chely99 chapter 65 . 3/14/2019
Gonna miss this story—one of my favorites! Can’t believe it is over. Thank you for sharing!
Mezz64 chapter 61 . 3/14/2019
Oh god you don’t know Happy I was to see a new chapter arrive from you. I reallly thought you were just going to leave us hanging. But no you’ve gone on and done us proud thank you.

I had to go back and read a few chapters to remind myself where we were. My plan is once it’s completed I’m going back to read the whole lot in one go as I really think it’s worthy to do so.

Thank you again. Kudos from the U.K.

I’ve had to write this here, as commented on all the later ones!
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