Reviews for Lifematch
xxStarBrightxx chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
Ugh, this is amazing! I've read it a few times already so I figured a review was long overdue. First of all, Death match was an incredible piece and this sequel complements it so well. One of the interesting things about Kurama and Hiei's relationship, IMHO, is the way they test and challenge each other and so much of that comes from the fact that they kind of trust each other but not really and this fic does such a good job of navigating that complexity wherein they have just PROVEN how much they do trust each other, and would in fact die for each other and so where does that leave their relationship...?

"You're getting puzzled up again, aren't you?" Ugh. Yes. Amazing.

They know each other SO WELL but they're just so clueless, I just

I know this is old, but I really hope you continue with this story some day. Thank you for your great work (on this and other fics, I'm such a fan).
NanaHanSuki chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
Its sooooo beautiful reading and imagining the storyline. Its all attention-binding and mesmerising and I couldn't help myself reading it thrice in the same day!, don't I have a lot of free time on me?...meh! Anyway! I love the thrilling and absorbing prequel as well as this beauty and am curios and craving for more! PLEASE UPDATE! Again, MARVELLOUS fickle you've created, love!
shui731 chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
oh also, I loved every second of this fic
shui731 chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
awwww seriously this gave me the buttierflies... especially kurama losing in that cute little fight xD seriously just tooo freakimg cute! their interactions are just soo deep with subtle sweetness and care.
liting791 chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
just hardly believe hiei reading work paper everyday ...
Clow Angel chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
Sorry about this but I decided to review both Deathmatch and Lifematch together! 3 I'm lazy like that. Deathmatch was interesting and gave me a sense of deja vu. I feel like I've read something very similar to it before. Whatever. Anyhow, I am loving both the prequel and the sequel! I haven't read a good KuramaHiei in...geez, a long ass time! And I'm very much looking forward to diving back into what I consider my OTP.

It doesn't hurt that you write very well and are able to convey what you want without being convoluted. I've seen stories where people attempt to make their (Kurama and Hiei's) relationship sound overly complicated when their point was fairly simple. Baffles me, honestly. Anywho, I've rambled long enough. Thanks for a good read and I'm excitedly anticipating the next chapter.
Liasid chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
nice. are you still working on this story?
katsune14 chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
So happy you wrote this sequel! I hope you'll post the next chapter soon. :) Also, just wondering if you're still planning to write The Concept of Loving? :)
LoveIsNotAChoice chapter 1 . 5/13/2015
I so desperately want more from this story! ! I love everything that's happened so far and want another chapter!
mother moon chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
I've been stalking your page for a while now. I adore your work, especially how you write Hiei and Kurama. I am ridiculously excited about the next chapter.
Shiore chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
Ah Blossomwitch, another lovely fic! Love! Love! Love!
The dialogue between the two of them just flows so well and sounds relationship-y without sounding out of character at the same time. You must must must continue soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2015
Ahhhhhh sooooo gooood so cute exactly what I needed today! I am VERY pleased you have decided to do more with the death match thing because it's one of my favorite concepts. I can't wait to see how they develop! Just so precious, and as always, you wrote them perfectly. Really fantastic, thankyou. Update soon! Plz and thankyou! Haha
KyoHana chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
As always, a truly wonderful beginning! I have always loved the way you write dialog between Hiei and Kurama because I feel it truly depicts each of them... Both the outer person people see, and the inner person they keep hidden from everyone other than each other.

They have chemistry; not just physically, but emotionally, and it shines through in your writing of them. They are the most 'real' only with each other, and I cannot wait to see where they progress from here!
Manabishi chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
You are truly the best *O* You make my heart stop with hieixkurama loveliness and serious stories 3 thank you so much! I can't wait for the next chapters : D
Lazypage chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
If only Hiei understood himself as well as he understands Kurama XD. They have a nice repertoire.
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