Reviews for Mission: Capture the Heart of the Resident Bad Boy
ILikeToReadFanasty chapter 20 . 4/26
Malfoy can't have pms cuz he's a guy
ILikeToReadFanasty chapter 7 . 4/26
her name is GINEVRA!
Piertotum Locomoter chapter 27 . 7/28/2019
Oh my god! You’re evil :::grins::: plummeting my hopes like that and raising them again. Ah well, AT LEAST THEY’RE ENGAGED! :::cheers:::
eunhaegf chapter 28 . 5/13/2017
I gt shocked when i saw 'the end' at chapter 26, almost flip a table lol but then i saw a next button xD well tq for beautiful epilogue! I love how you ended the story with draco proposal. I love everything about this story but my only complain would be Virginia though, its Ginevra not Virginia, and i saw alot of story using virginia name, made me wonder why just why hahaha nonetheless this is such a fun and intersting story, glad i found this 3
Bxlynnmartin chapter 2 . 7/7/2011
Its good but, and I am not trying to be rude, her name is Ginerva Weasley. I don't know if you changed it on purpose but, in case you hadn't.

It really is good though!
neverendingdreams-127 chapter 27 . 5/22/2010
Such a good ending...
Anna Scathach chapter 28 . 1/14/2009
good fic! i like them not getting together until some time has passed, plus they're really stupid sometimes... nice work!
The Sins Of Fate chapter 28 . 10/5/2008
I love it! You are waay great with that peice of fantastic writing! I loove HermoineXDraco and DracoXGinny flicks! Keep it up! *winks*
riotgirllina chapter 28 . 9/2/2008
Super cute!

Love the story!
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 3 . 2/19/2008
very good so far oh and "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am." lol very funny
mysinisterblackrose chapter 28 . 7/3/2007
omg so good!
April56 chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
im afraid that i agree with 'mini me' sorry but i can't stand stories where they start by describing a character as a barbie doll. and the whole big tits, small everything else frankly looks cheap. try and keep to the real characters.
JulieMalfoyZabini chapter 11 . 12/26/2006
No more Draco/Ginny kissing scenes? Aww! No fair! Hopefully there'll be more in the next chapter right? Right?:D:)

sdfklsa chapter 27 . 8/17/2006
i love you
harrypotterchick4ever chapter 27 . 6/14/2006
awesome story so great

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