Reviews for A Real Family
Susan8876 chapter 23 . 7/7
Please continue this story. It's so good.
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 23 . 5/5
Great story! I love how Percy fits in with the rest of the team. The characterizations of all of the together are so fun to read. Thanks for the update; I was so excited when I saw it in my inbox! :)
ferret54 chapter 23 . 4/25
Great story!
Liltall chapter 23 . 1/24
I'm glad to hear that you're doing better, and very glad for the update! :3
Jesuslover123 chapter 23 . 1/24
Great chapter!
Bohogal1998 chapter 23 . 1/23
Pretty sure a kid Spencer's age wouldn't use the F word like that. Great chapter though. Well written.
blackangel150 chapter 23 . 1/23
Oh he’s going to regret doing that to Spence
sandra.johansson.144 chapter 23 . 1/23
Like always, an absolutely amazing update! Read all four of the updated stories I am following, and love all of them.
So happy to have you back!
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 22 . 9/23/2019
I loved your story and I look forward to continuing. I was very emotional, I cried a lot every chapter and this is one of the best stories I've read here. Thank you for caring.
Dextolan chapter 22 . 12/31/2018
Well, what an awesome update!
It’s good to see updates from you. I throughly enjoy your stories but I also understand how time can get away from you when you’re trying to update so don’t beat yourself up over it. Besides I would wait for this chapter it was so good ;D
Good luck with your further updates in this new year and...
Happy new year!
MunksAngelQueen2010 chapter 22 . 12/31/2018
I missed your story I am so glad u updated I cant wait for more
blackangel150 chapter 22 . 12/30/2018
Thank goodness they got to him in time
Kimd33 chapter 22 . 12/30/2018
It’s great that Garcia put the GPS on him.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/21/2018
Could you write something mysterious, sad and painful ?
Selena92 chapter 21 . 11/25/2017
Great story.

Glad William, the ba*tard, was put away in prison. I hope he'll never be able to forget just how much of a monster he was and that he regrets it.

Poor Spence. I love Morgan and his aunties and uncles with him. Spence is such a dear. I love him very much (duh, it's Spence XD). I was surprised though how fast he got comfortable with everyone and with calling Morgan 'Papa'. I was glad about it, but still...wasn't that rather fast? Shouldn't he have had flashbacks and trouble adjusting, trusting people, telling them when he needed help or was hurting and trouble believing that he was no burden, that Morgan wouldn't one day realise Spencer's biological father had been right about him all along and throw him away? Don't take me wrong, I'm glad that he apparently didn't have to go through that and I'm no child psychologist so maybe it's possible or common even (at least in children of a certain age group and socio-emotional development and resilience...though his mental age far surpasses his peers), but it was still a lot smoother than I feared it would be. Once again, I am fine with that. It just surprised me, that's allWas a bit surprised that Ethan was the same age as Spence...kept thinking of him as an older boy for some reason. Will we get to see him and Spence interact some more? And old is he? Is he the same age as Spence? Love that lil' guy by the way. And speaking of little guys I love, what about Jack? I's love to see him imteract with Spence. I view him as sort of a protective elder brother to him...or younger? Either way, I think they'd be good friends. he is bullied, the poor dear. That boy's a right ba*tard- hope he'll get his comeuppance soon. Going through another's things and even reading another persons diarythat's low, really despicable. Someone did that to me once...ever since I learned to keep my private stuff either locked away or just don't have it with me. But that shouldn't be how it is. You're supposed to be able to trust your fellow students/coworkers/human beings to respect boundaries and your right to privacy. I truly hope that kid gets a punishment that really makes him regret it...perhaps someone could go through his private stuff too, see how he likes it. *FURIOUS*

I am divided about Spence fighting...he's such a gentle soul that it's hard to imagine him doing so but it is better than him just bottling everything up inside and suffering in silence. That said, he needs to find a less violent way to express himself and his feelings, because he is better than this. Perhaps he could start karate or kendo, judo etc.?
Also seems like he's not bullied as heavily as he was in canon (hopefully).

To read that his mother has died and he (of course he would) believes it is his fault was heartbreaking. He needs therapy. Speaking of, I do hope he's in therapy for all the stuff that happened before Morgan rescued him? He really needs to work through that cr*p too.

I hope you'll be able to update this soon. Looking forward to your next chapter. Keep writing!
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