Reviews for The Old Wheatley
afdsafasfdfsadfsafdasasdfdfsad chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
An exellent first chapter. It was detailed but not too detailed, yet this could use more chapters
BasementDragon101 chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
Whoops! Forgot to change the ending. I was going to, but for some reason I forgot. Thanks for the tips though! I will definitely use them in the next chapter. :)
Yuni30 chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
You could use some work on the dialogue structure and descriptiveness. What does Millard look like? What's the town like? Is it in a town? Where did they run into each other? Heck, even though it would've been a bit too obvious, you could have slipped in a paper with a core design among the scattered slips of paper. As far as dialogue, try to make it more distinguishable who's talking.

I would think Dr. Millard Wheatley would be a little bit more confused than shocked, especially if it's an old project. Besides, how exactly would he know that Chell's referring directly to Wheatley Core? I mean, there aren't a lot of people named "Wheatley", but since the two only met she could be referring to someone named "Millard", for all he knows. In fact, you could have used that to build this first chapter more, if you wanted.

Final note, and sorry if this comes off as a bit too much criticism, when your writing your summary, don't spoil the ending. Build up a little suspense that hooks the reader in, instead.

Love the concept, by the way. I think it's a bit more original than some of the others I've seen. It might keep me reading.
