Reviews for Change
katniss12 chapter 10 . 10/17/2016
Please update! Am loving this story so far, really want to know what happens next!
KaitieKat135 chapter 10 . 9/2/2015
I love it! I'm already addicted to this story!
Mary chapter 10 . 8/18/2015
I just found your story last night and am really liking it so far! I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/17/2015
Just found this hope to see more.
FarmGirlForever chapter 10 . 6/19/2015
I just found this story, and I LOVE IT! You created an awesome character-Elizabeth is very well-written-and your writing style made me want to just keep reading! I'm ready for more chapters, and I'd love if you'd continue soon-really soon! :) Are Hawkeye and Elizabeth going to actually get together soon? I'd love that...
MASHlover23 chapter 10 . 5/23/2015
Okay so somehow I totally missed this chapter for some reason... so sorry for the late review!

The way that Hawkeye was so concerned about Elizabeth was so dang cute! But I am expecting a monstrous, blowout style fight, at the beginning of next chapter.

The bit of everybody getting up to see why there was a rooster having a fit was really hilarious. I could totally see that happing in an episode of the show! It was also a very good way to add come comedic levity to the plot, seeing as how the last few chapters have been rather dark in content.

Good job and I hope you can update soon! :)
egirlm chapter 10 . 5/21/2015
Great characters! I love seeing protective Hawkeye! On another note, is there an actress, classic or current, that you can think of to represent Elizabeth? I'm having trouble visualizing her and I'd like to get your take. Thanks!
ManyGamePlayer chapter 10 . 5/3/2015
Another great chapter! Can't wait for more! ;)
Kat chapter 9 . 4/29/2015
Hi, love the story! It's really good:) please update ASAP
ManyGamePlayer chapter 9 . 4/28/2015
Loved it! Update soon! ;)
MASHlover23 chapter 9 . 4/27/2015
Wow... this is by far you best chapter thus far.

To start, Elizabeth's emotions came across as so real and tangible. As a reader, I could 100% tell that she was in grief and distress - as a doctor - and as a woman.

Hawkeye's compassion towards her literally made me say "Aww" ... and that's coming from somebody who really isn't into Hawkeye in that manner (most of the time).

The bit about how the 4077th had been gossiping about Elizabeth's ordeal provided me with an feeling like I was watching the show, because, gossip was such a big part of the show's humor.

Frank's comment about accepting the award himself was hilarious - typical Frank Burns in my opinion!

It also made me smile when Father Mulcahy came to see Hawkeye about Elizabeth's disposition. It was very in character for our lovable priest!

The bit about how Elizabeth disclosed her love for her stuffed cat to an embarrassed Radar made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! How cute is that that Radar isn't the only adult with a stuffed animal for a companion?!

Lastly, the conversation Elizabeth had with the Colonel was absolutely perfect! It really portrayed the wisdom of Potter's character accurately.

I hope that Elizabeth is going to be okay, but her reluctance to be examined by Major Houlihan has me feeling skeptical...

Please update ASAP! :)
MASHlover23 chapter 8 . 4/26/2015
Wow really great chapter. It was really evident how Hawkeye and Elizabeth's relationship is progressing.

I wonder if Sidney is going to be called in for Elizabeth? I think she could really use a good objective shoulder to lean on!

I also wonder about what Colonel Potter thinks about the whole incident - in depth that is. I am kind of suspecting that he'll call her Father.

Good job, and update ASAP! :D
ManyGamePlayer chapter 8 . 4/24/2015
It's good to have something bad happen to a character once in a while. It makes them more real! At least, in my eyes. ;)
ManyGamePlayer chapter 7 . 4/22/2015
I loved it! You did an excellent job! Can't wait for more! ;)
Guest chapter 6 . 4/22/2015
Just like watching the real thing!
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