Reviews for You Hit Me Like a Cosmic Blast
jsilver2000 chapter 19 . 6/10
Loved it! The day I met my sister-in-law, I showed her a picture of my older brother in the bathtub. In my defense, I was thirteen!
jsilver2000 chapter 16 . 6/9
Enjoyed this immensely! Echo has a huge blind spot when it comes to Spock; it seems everyone but her is picking up on his jealousy. LOL!
I hope the family drama is in the past and your life is less busy/complicated now.
jsilver2000 chapter 15 . 6/9
LOL! I love how you ended this chapter!
jsilver2000 chapter 14 . 6/9
Hmmm. It will be interesting to see how Spock reacts to Echo dancing with another man (assuming that's what you've got in mind). He clearly seems to be interested in her; he's just got to get over the silly rules in his head that say he shouldn't get involved (and lose some weight-about 110 pounds-that would be T'Pring).
jsilver2000 chapter 8 . 6/9
I like how you ended it on a humorous note, especially, "to make sure I don't spill any juicy gossip." And I had to look up "OTP" (one true pairing). Hilarious how Spock can always make up a "logical" excuse to do whatever he feels like. ;-)
jsilver2000 chapter 4 . 6/9
Really enjoying this story and how you have linked it to the episode. I understand why Candice is disappointed. When I first started reading stories on this site, I didn't understand that writers often publish a chapter at a time. So when I read a story that's unfinished, but the last update was a long time ago, I become sad because, most likely, the author has the end all scoped out, but doesn't have time to write it all out or has lost interest or something else is keeping them from finishing the story. I am glad to see that you have worked on this one recently. I hope all is well with you amid the pandemic and that you will be able to finish it.
jsilver2000 chapter 3 . 6/8
Loving this story and your OC! It will be interesting to see where you take it.
JannaKalderash chapter 24 . 5/18
I read the whole thing in one day. It’s fantastic!

A character that ISN’T a Mary Sue.

I hope that she gets together with Spock. Christine was all wrong for him.

Echo is perfect for him; she doesn’t demand that he change his character. She simply help him expand his comfort zone. Vulcans are the biggest introverts in the universe; and being around boisterous humans is most likely exhausting in an emotional sense.

Since Echo is a bit of an introvert herself, she’s just his speed. She doesn’t chatter on incessantly or get offended by him. She simply asks for clarification of certain concepts.

She WILL catch an attitude when she finds out that Spock was kicked out of the house before he was even fifteen years old. She won’t confront Stark unless absolutely necessary though.

About the blood situation; have Spock donate two pints, filter out the human elements and simply clone as much as needed.
Morrowsong chapter 24 . 5/9
What a great story you have crafted! I found myself truly invested, the mark of a good story to be sure. I hope you update again soon!
Ignisaraignee chapter 1 . 4/17
The new chapters are delightful, I love the slow and sweet development of their relationship and how well they communicate and try to respect each other, it’s perfect.
Durinsdottir chapter 24 . 4/13
Omgggggggod this is the sweetest. I just love how their relationship is, like they both respect each other but are kinda both oblivious af XD Their communication leaves nothing to be desired too, once an issue arises, they wait a beat then bring it up and candidly TALK and resolve it. It's so refreshing! And since the nature of their friendship/ romance is so new to them both, its super cute to watch them figure it out. It especially makes little moments like at the end so significant! Just Spock being so casual and curious with another person that isnt Kirk or Bones is so big. In a way that was even moreso? Sitting on the floor and playing with someone's hair? SWOON! Catch me, I'ma faint!
spiritstic chapter 24 . 4/12
Hey loved the chapter, hope you’re doing well during this pandemic, happy Easter
Guest chapter 24 . 4/11
I'm so proud op you and your chappie!

Durinsdottir chapter 23 . 4/4
Ohhhhh you can't leave it here! I just reread the whole fic to get back into the swing and now I am and though the update was awesome, I crave more! The whole touch starved thing is so true! I really wonder what Spock's thinking, if he feels inadequate to provide tactile affection or if she might think that of him... God this is so good! I love everything about your writing and how you characterize everyone. I'll just sit here pining until the next update! lol Stay safe!
Guest chapter 23 . 4/4
Very happy to see you updating! And I am liking this new development of the ‘touch starve’ thing. I’m very interested to see if Spock will bring up Echo’s appointment or her earlier touchyness. It’s already been established he has an a jealous side when it comes to her and after her show of loyalty and distress over the whole events of menagerie.
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