Reviews for A queen's slave
Kalvorax chapter 2 . 7/26/2019
this was an interesting chapter

my only complaint is the switching of POVs and not having ANY indication of it having happened until I figured it out.
Fus Ro Duh chapter 28 . 4/23/2019
Any word on when this story will be finished? Are you working on it or is RL being messy?
sabrerath chapter 29 . 3/14/2019
Please please please finish this story. Has such emotional moments in it and its cute to see the relationship in this setup with all the challenges
AlpacaCompany chapter 29 . 3/4/2019
Wellp, it's been a long time and I finally came back and re-read the story, this time to the end. It saddens me to see that the story seems to have been abandoned. It had great potential. I hope that you're ok out there and that you will come back to this story someday. I'll be checking regularly.

- Cheers, Alpaca
Fus Ro Duh chapter 29 . 10/18/2018
... I was actually looking for a story like this, where Hiccup gets controlled by the Red Death, I actually had the same idea, but I am probably going to go in a different direction with mine, where Hiccup remembers his actions as well as who he is afterwards, and it will focus on him getting over the things he did, but I wanted to see where yours went with it, and I really like it. Please either update soon or let us know this fic is abandoned, I hate when a fic sits for years where you never know if its going to update or not.
Drakenguard chapter 5 . 10/12/2018
can you please identify where the p.o.v changes it makes the story hard to read
skyartsflammingavion chapter 29 . 9/6/2018
God I really love this story I just recently started reading httyd fanfic but so far this is the best one I found I really hope you update it soon again. Awsome e job
flamingoflannel chapter 29 . 5/30/2018
I’m so glad this story is still going, I stumbled across it a couple years ago but lost it. So happy to finally find it again!

I’m not a writer but I’ll check out the website you posted. Hope job things & life things are going well!
Guest chapter 29 . 3/10/2018
Thanks for the update chapter was nice. Also glad that you have a boyfriend now hope that that go great for you. Sorry about the job thing. I hope you resolve that soon, even with you new project idea or finding a new job. Well I not a writer so I can't help you with that, but I wish you good luck on that. Until next one and thanks
Crysteldragon chapter 29 . 3/8/2018
My uh friend, thanks you for the info. *eyes shift from left to right* totally my friend. And great chapter as always! I really loved it.
OechsnerC chapter 29 . 3/8/2018
Awesome update.
lara5170 chapter 28 . 3/8/2018
Astrid and Hiccup are pretty stupid if you think about it. Is his leg ever going to heal? Please tell me that with all his traveling Hiccup has been with a female before?
Squall321 chapter 29 . 3/8/2018
I second the motion it is time for Hiccup and Astrid together
Vivi-ntvg chapter 29 . 3/8/2018
Don't put off the unavoidable Hiccup ;) :P Although... Astrid leaving? Interesting...
Also potato peeler, yay :P
arcticfox99 chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
what happens next?
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