Reviews for Roots
s.mansoni chapter 28 . 7/4
This was just fantastic! I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of first-person POVs either but you really made it work here
Tayashia chapter 10 . 9/11/2019
I'm rereading this... I'm crying again! I read it first when you were still updating the chapters, even after some time, it's a beautiful story and so glad that it is finished! So glad that I am able to read it again.
Darklightningstorm chapter 8 . 8/11/2018
I've never read a story where Catwoman takes him in. Are there any you would recommend?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Interesting concept, but OOC to the point that they barely resemble the original characters.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 28 . 11/12/2017
okay wow... this is incredible... u should soooo create ur own series... using similar ideas... cos ur imagination is amazing and ur writing is fan tastic :D thanks... great stories.. I LOVE the Selina and Dick interactions... i want more of that haha thats awesome... and loved the red hood name too :D
GrappleGun chapter 20 . 11/12/2017
ABSOLUTELY LOVED Dick's first grapple gun experience... that was soooo well written and omg haha LOVED IT he took aim... and missed... bahahhahaa :-p loved how u wrote it... :D
This book is incredible u really are amazing at writing...
EverythingBatman chapter 28 . 10/20/2017
Marvellous story! A good twist on Dick's origin. 5️ rating! :)
Guest chapter 28 . 2/3/2017
Love it!
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 20 . 11/13/2016
I'm really starting to like Burns. Any chance that he could appear in one of your more present tense stories? While the Team is around? Dick never told them about this part of his life (not even Wally), so it would be hilarious if this scary homeless guy just walked up to Dick and starts being really friendly amd cool, calling Dick "Hood", with Dick responding in a similar manner and stuff, while the Team is just deliciously confused. xD
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 18 . 11/12/2016
Aw, I really liked that little tea scene with Dick and Alfred. Ever since I read A Spot of Tea, I have this deeply ingrained headcanon that they are tea buddies, so it was very nice to see something similar in a different fanfiction. Some things are just meant to happen. c:
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 8 . 11/12/2016
The Straynow that sounds cool. If you ever want to write an AU where Dick became Selina's partner instead of Batman's, I'd be all ears. He's walking the line as it is (duh, he's the Gray Son of Gotham after all...), and he has so much potential for the somewhat darker shades of gray. Hehe. Oh god, it's happening again. Must. Control. The. Fangirl. Giggles...!
Guest chapter 10 . 8/6/2016
You know what would be really epic? If in that other story where It's Bruce POV you show when (after Dick passes out) he hands Dick to Jim and he looks at Dick and for a split he doesn't want to let go
That would be AWESOME!
Or maybe that's just me
This btw is like my fourth time reading this story it's that good
Freefan1412 chapter 23 . 6/5/2016
Oh yes, you got the relationship-bonding thing so down straight and you address just the same issue I have been struggling with concerning the Adopting-Richard issue. If he would adopt any kid that he sympathized with, I doubt even Wayne Manor could house them all. There had to be something to set Dick apart and unless we want to think that Bruce adopted him for the crime-fighting-potential/brilliance i.e. for a very specific future as a sidekick, which is just unreasonable considering he is Mr. I-work-better-alone Bruce Wayne, Dick had to catch his attention in another way. This is a very nice one. :) This story is too good to have a make-or-break-point, but under different circumstances, I'd say this is one. Really, really good job!
Freefan1412 chapter 18 . 6/4/2016
Awesome. Again. I'm running out of things to say. The scenes with Bruce were brilliant. He comes across very well - awkward, uncomfortable, incompetent (at people skills), not-quite-as-inhuman-as-he-would-like-to-be. Alfred was also done seriously well. Without him, there would be no Batman and no Bruce and the whole Idea would be only half as intriguing. I also loved how you have Dick 'move on' a bit, have his excellent People Skills compensate for Bruce's lack of them. Great job!
Freefan1412 chapter 13 . 6/4/2016
I agree that Dick's charisma is great and totally lovable about him. Also very important. Lets not forget that he is the kid who got to freaking stone-and-ice heart Batman and got to him so throughoutly that Robin too became a legacy to pass along. Picturing dark and brooding Batman in contrast to open and friendly Robin is just another thing that makes me love the combination of them. Thank you very much for writing this story.
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