Reviews for Corpses
darkprincess888 chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
This is so sad and dramatic. I loved it! Incredible story.
Explores future Gohan's disturbing past.
Dynamos chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
Very strong. I felt Gohan's emotions while reading and he was just in character.
However, you repeated the same thing over and over again: The pain in his chest and its cause. The repetition made the first paragraphs boring, even at some point I felt tempted to top reading, but when it stopped the text became enjoyable... well, as enjoyable as imagining a post-apocaliptic world can be.
Take care,
pir84lyf chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Not one. Go get em Gohan.
gotrixisgreat99 chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
This was brilliantly written, you've totally capt ured the harsh reality of the future timeline. Gohan's despair and grief is portrayed fantastically and the grim tone is balanced by the ray of SSJ hope towards the end. This was so touching i even stopped disliking Yamcha! An excellent one shot and writing like this is why i'm so happy to be collabing with you.