Reviews for Crossroads
TotallyFake chapter 5 . 7/19/2018
This story was a quick read but it was an excellent one. I really enjoyed this!
fuwafuwachi chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Wow, this is actually the first fanfiction that made my brain working hard while reading it.
Nalu-Nerd13 chapter 5 . 4/1/2018
Ahhhh and the conclusion is just as satisfying as last time!

All the switching and back and forth between Lucy and Igneel gave me a really clear image of them walking on different sides of Natsu, and then eventually coming together and pushing him into that gate at the same time. It was bewildering, but in a good way because it was also a clear image, ya know?

Then, what I think was the best ending for this one-shot ensued! I loved the ending so freakin' much, especially the way Natsu leans into Lucy's cool touch, and asks her to stay and keep stroking his scalp. It's so relaxing and relieving, and it's fantastic!

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna come back to reread this story again some time in the future, when? I have no idea, but, in the words of Lucy, "Let's not worry about the future past that." Lol, just thanks for writing this piece of art!
Nalu-Nerd13 chapter 4 . 4/1/2018
Wellll shit. Natsu gots a hard decision.

Even after knowing the ending of this, critically thinking about which path Natsu would actually choose is hard to say. I personally would think it'd be Lucy because of future events in the actual show/manga and how I would consider Igneel a figure of Natus's past while Lucy more so his future, but that's just me.

On the other hand, I have no idea how one would think of a plot line such as this. It's just so clever, and I think it's the perfect length as a one-shot. So props to you!
Nalu-Nerd13 chapter 3 . 4/1/2018
Oh man, that ending line, "To figure out what the hell is going on." was so badass...

AHH I love Lucy's side of the future because I can imagine Natsu, drunk, laughing, and dancing before asking Lucy to marry him, and the "ugly" ring adds even more merit to that. The way Natsu studied her ring was very cute!

DAMMIT IGNEEL, I wanna know how Lucy died...but oh well, self-sacrifice is always an angsty situation.
Nalu-Nerd13 chapter 2 . 4/1/2018
This prolonged moment between Natsu and Lucy has my eyes glued to my computer screen. I'm so fascinated by the sensual and personal detail of the actions that Natsu and Lucy share. The way Natsu stares intensely, the brushing of Natsu's knuckle on Lucy's part, Natsu smashing the mirror–all of these little details and descriptions are so flamboyant to me.
All that just adds to the tone and the emotions behind every action and line of dialogue, which then makes me want to reread every line carefully, analyzing and absorbing it all in.
God–I just love this story so much!
Nalu-Nerd13 chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
Okay, so one of my friends sent me a link to this fic a long time ago (maybe a year or two), and I loved it! The angst was fantastic, the characters well written, story well-rounded, and it was just a clever idea. Since then, I've read a lot more fics and one-shots, and I've reread this one-shot a few times now, and I can still say that I absolutely love it!
I'm not gonna break it down in every detail (cuz then this review would be the size of an essay), but I just can't express enough how happy this one-shot makes me. I'd imagine it was a while since you've written this, but regardless, great work! I love looking back at this and I have so much fun rereading it.
AseCat chapter 5 . 8/26/2017
i love it! amazing!
quite-a-riot chapter 5 . 2/20/2017
I've read a few Nalu angst dream fics, yes for some reason they have their own category..., and I think this one is my favorite. it had just enough mystery to keep me interested and intrigued, didn't get drawn out too long, and had a logical explanation and conclusion. Well done!
T-tawny chapter 5 . 9/2/2016
That was great! Thank you!
Yuyui Hime chapter 5 . 11/30/2015
THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST CONFUSING STORY I HAVE EVER READ! But I still love it nonetheless! It's a really good written story!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/8/2015
For some reason I imagine this being one of those really mysterious, heart-touching, REALLLY GOOD movies. XD like the Benjamin Bottom or something like that, and the one when this guy time travels to when his future wife was a girl, and then he dies, and yeah... XD I LUV DISSSS
Guest chapter 5 . 10/14/2015
this is the BEST fic ive ever read
Guest chapter 5 . 9/16/2015
Holy shit this was brilliant.
Satisfied Reader chapter 5 . 8/28/2015
Loved it, kind of sad about the ending just because there was no professions of love
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