Reviews for ANNOUNCEMENTS! and other fun stuff
guest chapter 19 . 6/1/2018
1000? I think you miscounted dude. How do you go from 1 to 14 to 24 and so on and so forth?
DB-19 chapter 21 . 5/3/2018
Oh great...

This author is back. :(
Dethroned King Umbros chapter 20 . 7/28/2017
And here I thought you disappeared from our lives forever. Great...
Dash master 48 chapter 19 . 10/24/2016
Monokuma approved!

Prestige Productions chapter 2 . 8/5/2016
How is this even a story, seems like just a bunch of author's notes bootstrapped together
PanickingNoob94 chapter 17 . 5/31/2016
(Sigh) Don't want to be mean but I can already imagine how much of a jumbo of giant text your story would be (-_-;) Also it Bruce Lee, not Bruise. And is Bonnie and Clyde even a Hero? I mean Billy the Kid kind of pushing it consider he also treat as a criminal but Bonnie and Clyde is just theft right? They aren't even like Robin Hood.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/13/2016
Nobody cares about your reboot because you're unstable. The only way that it could even get any reviews at all is if you reviewed it anonymously, or by an alternate account. No sane person would write the way you write or interact with others here in the way that you do. This is the reason why you're hardly getting any reviews, attention or just plain care. Your reboot is just garbage.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/6/2016
Nothing you do matters. You keep proving us right, over and over again. Do you enjoy making an utter fool of yourself? Good, don't stop. Because it'll keep showing people how much of a speck you are. Again, you're worthless, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it; like an anchovy swimming aimlessly in a bucket. That's what you are, a tiny fish. You will amount to nothing.




PanickingNoob94 chapter 12 . 5/6/2016
You to be honest here funny u rant about RWBY being dark when Kamen Riders themselves have no shortage of major character death (0_0). I mean Hell each season has at least one character u know of and when he/she die u cant help but feel sad for it. Even freaking Fourze have more than one death. And don't even start on Gaim (-_-)...or older series like Kiva or Kabuto for that matter...
You Utter Pansy chapter 12 . 2/16/2016
So your solution to something that you don't like happening is to shut your eyes, clamp your hands over your ears and ramble about reboots?
Guest chapter 12 . 2/16/2016
Okay that's cool but why does it matter when you can just write Fanfiction?
Meh chapter 12 . 2/14/2016
With all due respect hope, I don't think being rude back will make you look any better than those being rude. As a fellow fanfiction user, I think you may just want to quit while you're ahead my friend, your story isn't exactly the great and needs major work. It just looks like you're barely putting in any effort at all. If you are putting in effort, then you're not trying hard enough. Also, you can't really critique RT's work on RWBY without critiquing your own work and realizing there are problems. Now there is nothing wrong with a story going down a darker tone, I personally enjoy what they're doing. But as the one anon said Rooster Teeth owns RWBY and can do what they please with it as long as it follows how Monty set it out. Lastly, I understand everyone always leaves you hateful comments and such and they're dicks for it, but don't do the same. Don't go down to their level and tell people to kill themselves, just makes you look like more of an asshole. That's all I had to say, hopefully you really take some critiques into consideration and work to actually improve.
Hope Xiao Rose chapter 12 . 2/14/2016
... Didn't I tell you too jump out of your second story windows, review number 16?
Guest chapter 11 . 1/30/2016
To all those people who keep saying kill yourself how about you give the guy a fucking break yeah his stories aren't author of the year material but he doesn't deserve the bullshit you assholes are saying so why don't lay off and go fucking back toilets you came cause that is where pieces of shit like you all belong!
SonicHeroXD chapter 11 . 1/22/2016
Nah, you're trying to cover up and defend the person by pretending to hate on her.

P.S.: You need to revise this entire story since it looks similar to that story "Window to the Soul" which is really bad! LOL
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