Reviews for The Trouble
Paola Lightwood chapter 47 . 1/17/2019
Hi there! I just read the Spanish translation of this story and I wanted to say thank you for give your permission. I really enjoyed it! You're a great author! Hope to read something more from you in the future. Greetings from México. *-*
mscunning chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
This is incredible. I hope there will be future outtakes for them. It made me feel, so much. Thank you.
Guest chapter 47 . 10/2/2017
Can we please get a future take
snoopylover60 chapter 47 . 8/20/2017
This is really good.

Thank for sharing it :D
is2121 chapter 36 . 6/17/2017
Yaaasss! Finally she grew some backbone! I hope she keeps it
Guest chapter 47 . 9/28/2016
Any chance of a future shot?
WB Crazy chapter 31 . 8/6/2015
I wish all girls will learn that you can't sleep with a guy to keep him. If he wants to go then nothing will stop him
madkins chapter 47 . 8/3/2015
Will we get another chapter of his meeting her at Udub
Debs0608 chapter 47 . 7/21/2015
Loved this story. The short chapters and heartfelt words. Felt very genuine. Would love to hear more if u have a chance. Thanks.
alli62 chapter 47 . 7/15/2015
I just finished this story and I have to tell you I absolutely loved it. I really did. It was honest. High school is rough. And people are selfish and immature and growing up.

I would love a future take of these two. Just to see Bella's confidence shine through. She has come a long way. As has Edward.

Thank you for writing this beautiful story and sharing it.
lemonangeljuice chapter 47 . 7/11/2015
I was really curious who/what the text was while in the lunch line. I figured it was a girl, not jasper teasing. Thanks!
lemonangeljuice chapter 41 . 7/11/2015
All teenage girls should read this story. Actually doing what Bella did is easier said than done, but the message is inspirational. We all need to find our strengths. Thank you!
TheDivergentMortalInstrument chapter 47 . 6/25/2015
I wish you would add more on. I really would like to see what happen after coffee
Edmazing chapter 47 . 5/18/2015
I was trying to explain to my husband why I fell into this story so soundly and I think I've figured it out. It's great to see (and maybe vicariously rewrite history a bit with) a teenage girl who takes a high school player at face value and understands that it's him, his mindset, that is the problem, and not her.

That in itself is liberating, but when you extended it with the epov the story grew from a "girl gets burned fic" to a "one who got away" story. I love that. And honestly, I'd love to see them reconnect and have the story grow into a mature and balanced love story. I guess only time will tell, huh. *hint, hint* lol

Thank you for sharing this story with us. I'm normally not one for brief chapters, but you got me to not only break my "rule" but make me love the focused style.

edaddict3254 chapter 47 . 5/18/2015
It's been great hearing Edward's pov, but what about their pseudo reunion at UDub? Surely there's something thought about how that meeting went? I'd love to hear about it and any future that these two might have. Thank you!
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