Reviews for What I Didn't Know
Thebluetrainstation chapter 12 . 4/5/2019
Great story! I hope you continue it!
The Only Love For Soujiro Seta chapter 12 . 10/31/2017
This was cute
Kensy Echo chapter 12 . 4/29/2013
What a poor thing that you decided to discontinue this :( because I enjoy the story so much!

I love this Touya's POV and how you describe his feeling, just so awesome! I like that it's not all so angsty but you put comedy thing in a few parts too.

I really hope that you would continue, but...just keep spirit and good luck!
gaia-gail chapter 9 . 3/4/2013
it is just amazing, thanks a lot for writing something like this :)
Star Mirage chapter 12 . 9/28/2009
I liked the story prety much. Good work!
898700 chapter 12 . 9/26/2009
Hi :). I enjoyed this very much, your writing style is great, and so is the plot's multiple threads. Writing this from Touya's POV and focusing on what he should have felt after giving up his magic was the right choice; this makes the story stand out among the many Toya/Yuki I've read so far. Love it!
Yay chapter 12 . 9/5/2009
Oh wow! Oh yay! You really DO deserve an award, nya! XD Ganbarimasho!
ZombieSlayer chapter 12 . 4/1/2008
I'm still waiting. You know that last part, the sentence, 'at leadt I still had yuki'.

I have a bad feeling that Yukito is going to leave him too.

I hope I'm wrong.
xJoby chapter 12 . 11/18/2007
I read this story before, but I forgot to review _ I really enjoyed! The last chapter sounded like it could be the end, but does it still continue? :D I'd love to read your other stories, and I will when I finish.. homework

Gwen chapter 12 . 8/1/2007
You wanna know if 'I still love you'.Well why don't we ask the twitching eye if I still love you.
ohtar chapter 12 . 6/25/2007
2004? its been 3 years! update story! lol its so good so far!
Alice in June chapter 12 . 7/1/2006
I hate it when I come across something I really like but I manage to sound reduntant.

Fantastic work, your characterization of Touya is spot-on ( and very intimate, his fears about losing his sister and all) and believable. Character interactions are great (I loved Sakura teasing Touya about his age) and I really liked how you handled everything. And I mean everything.

Your portrayal of Touya and Yukito's relationsip is ... God help me with vocabulary, awesome. It's what it should be. It's not sugar-coated but it's real.

Excellent work, L-chan *thumbs up*!
aznguy108 chapter 12 . 2/15/2006
Is this story being continued? Even on any other site?
Weaver chapter 12 . 11/12/2005
this is such a good story! kepp it up! i can't wait to read more of it!
Crazy Sardines chapter 12 . 9/15/2005
This story's really good. The characterization is almost flawless. I could almost see it leading to your story Shadows. It's really great that some of the things that were a bit blur at the beginning of Shadows due to the large gap from the end of CCS is all being cleared up with this story. It's really good that little by little, details about Touya's way of thinking and feelings are revealed. The change in him is not too drastic which what makes it all reasonably possible.

Although I would like to think that it would be nice to have something that would clear up Tomoyo's change of attitude towards Sakura in Shadows (She was a bit OOC there). But since this is a Touya centric fic and all is in Touya's POV, that is not highly likely to be included. But I do hope that more T/Y would be written next time. I'm really anxious to see how their relationship would turn out, good or bad. :)

Anyway, keep up the good work! I hope that you'd continue this. It's one story that I'll wait for to be updated. Update soon! :)
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