Reviews for Tempus Rerum Imperator
CrazyShipper101 chapter 3 . 5/25
Hooh chapter 3 . 4/5
AussieBudgie chapter 3 . 4/4/2018
Well. That ripped my head into a million pieces. Good story, love it... I needed a good cry.
Nicole chapter 3 . 5/8/2017
So much of me wants a sequel or something to this. This is fantastic writing, I would LOVE more pottertalia stuff like this. It is wonderfully structured. Keep writing because it really drew me in!
Goog.lystrip chapter 3 . 1/21/2017
Haha! How absolutely adorable!
alyssavers chapter 3 . 1/7/2017
Amazing is all I wanted to say. This story was beautifully written with a wonderful plot. One of the best fics of the fandom.
Speadee chapter 3 . 8/13/2016
I have read this fic a few times because I liked it. This was creative. I like how you worked the time-traveling in and had it do something that was never mentioned in the "Harry Potter" series. Good job on the surprise!

Was the former Herbology professor an OC? I thought the Heads of Slytherin taught Potions. I guess it could change. England should know that he shouldn't blame the younger America for what happened since he doesn't know. Then again, it is like England to do that. He should also have known that it was hard for America to remember both him and the weird details of a time-turner at once, but I guess it was too complicated for either of them to understand. England and Professor Snape do have something in common: bias. It is like England to stick to rules, too. I think the Houses you chose for America and England fit them.

I can imagine China being the Headmaster since he is one of the oldest characters. He is supposed to be wise, too. Ravenclaw does fit him. I didn't expect him to give a time-turner to an idiot like America, but I believe America can be smart and careful, too.

America being open-minded fits, too. Then there is his trying to be the hero as usual. I like how you had him viewing professors as not humans. In college, I've had friends who said that it was scary for them to imagine professors eating. They said that, "I thought they suck the spirits out of students."

What was young England doing at the the Quidditch field if he had classes?

Did America play Quidditch? I think someone like him would. While in the past, shouldn't he have kept far away as he could from England to not disrupt the present?

Did America still keep the time-turner after returning to the present, or did he have to return it to China? I wonder if America and England had to explain to the rest of the students about what happened, especially when there was a change between them. Did any of the students and staff saw or heard their confessions? I'm just glad they talked it over and got together.

I like how they had the wedding day on an anniversary of when they first met. I guess it takes place after America graduated and finished his Auror training.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/21/2016
It's really perfect! I love the story!
t8dragons chapter 3 . 7/16/2016
I love this so much, it's so amazing!
USUKBishes01 chapter 2 . 5/25/2016
David Tennant is the shite! By FAR the best doctor if I do say so myself.
LeFay Strent chapter 3 . 3/12/2016
God this was amazing. I'm a smiling, giggling mess.
PhantomMinds chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
I love it! It's breathtaking and sweet, and ansty like anything (in a good way, though). I always have a soft spot for pottertalia:3 Please keep it up!

P.S. Even as a Chinese person myself, I'd had no idea about the existence of ‘cuandixia’ until I searched it on the net. Hahaha I feel stupid now.
NihonBara chapter 3 . 1/21/2016
What a great ending. I loved this story. I fav'd it right away. Great work!
NihonBara chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
This is so good. I love it! And you're blurb for this story is fantastic!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/8/2015
OMFG THIS WAS AMAZING! I'm just so happy right now and so sad! Arthur like waited for nine friggin years and watched Alfred grow up ( which is actually kinda creepy but fits perfect since he actually raised baby America in hetalia) and had to watch as Alfred liked goofed off with friends and had crushes... That would be devestating! But then they get married! I'm so happy! Keep writing!
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