Reviews for 100 OneShot Challenge
Walking in Little Circles chapter 4 . 8/18/2015
Pretty good, Flame!
I honestly wasn't expecting you to use Red in the way you did, but I think it ended up being interesting.
You totally got the quote right. I could feel it in the entire one-shot.
That ending was pretty sad. I hope Gold finds happiness of some sort with her new Twoleg owner(s).
Poor Marmalade...
A Silverstorm of Snowflakes chapter 2 . 3/20/2015
:O Wow. That was amazing. Is Frost going to die like that in the forum?
inconvenient chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
Well done, Flamey! You are quite the descriptive writer, I have to say. :) I hardly can find any fault with your work, great job! Hope you write more soon!
Amberstorm233 chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
Oooo interesting Flamey! Does that mean we need to create the characters Darkfang, Aspenpaw, Ryepaw, etc.?