Reviews for No Stoned Unturned
dragoncreek319 chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Yesssss! So much fluff. It fits into canon perfectly and the feels! A fantastic fic!
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
Bless Sam. :) And bless you for writing this!

It's been a long time since I watched this ep, but the first part of this story matches what I remember from the screen; I was visualizing the drafty lantern lit house, could hear and see the actors. Didn't Dean say something about rabbits on air?

Anyhow, doesn't matter if the dialogue and setting are exact, what I'm awkwardly trying to say is your story segues smooth as butter into canon.

Sam's worry about Dean's emotional state and Sam feeling not enough to balance things out, holding a misplaced guilt for not being able to fix his brother and - a distant second - fix the world? That's the Winchester Gospel. Just interchange the names "Sam" and "Dean" as needed. ;)

I adore that Sam didn't wrangle a confession from doped up Dean, or vow that they'd triumph. He just wanted to transfer some belief in Dean's goodness. This is the other truism: as a fan I just want to affirm these weary, seriously damaged, good guys!

Thank you for all the scenes you weave into the show. The Supernatural universe is stronger for it.
Bunny1 chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
CaptainYogaPants chapter 1 . 3/6/2017
Ok so this one almost made me cry at my desk at work. Eesh I love the angst and sibling love.
ccase1313 chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
I love Sam giving Dean stealth therapy while he's stoned. Dean never seems to believe he is a hero despite his usual bluster.
Jade chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
Yes please, and thank you. Stoned Dean and little brother Sam is a great combo
Nana56 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Oh the feels! Such a tough time for our boys! :(

Guess all I can say this time is "Well done". :)
Nova42 chapter 1 . 3/17/2015
Great story. I love the idea of Sam taking the opportunity to try and plant something positive in Dean, convince him to keep fighting. I love reading little moments like this that we don't get to see in the show. Awesome tag.
irismay42 chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Aw I loved that! Drugged!Dean was just hilarious, and I really like this tender, protective side of Sam. Nice to see this resurfacing in season 10 too!
chrissie0707 chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
I literally just had to find a transcript to see what was from the show and what was from you, so, yeah, that's a compliment. Don't know how I haven't come across any of your writing until now - unless I'm honest with myself and admit I've been doing a colossal disservice to my fellow writers and haven't really been reading much lately. In any case, I really enjoyed the trueness of the characters here, and how ungodly adorable your continuation of stoned Dean was, and the FEELS moment without going over the top. Again, true-to-character. Love it. I intend to get into more of your work. For sure.
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I've been reading your new fanfic for a while now, and it just hit me I hadn't reviewed it yet! oops..

Glad you're writing. This one is kinda goofy, but with Dean stoned like that, it's perfect. Love how he's given some peace in his world at the moment ... unbunching his panties, indeed!

But I do love how Sam takes advantage of a pliant older brother to try to plant the seed of hope - of good news, that Dean is GOOD. Almost want to get him high once more, just to try to get this across his brain again and again, until it takes.

You are GOOD Dean. You are!
Freya922 chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
I love how you make this amusing yet oh so sad. During this little Turducken incident, you manage to catalog all the damage done to both boys over the years. I love that Sam tries to use Dean's dopey state of mind to infuse some faith and reassurance. Another element I loved was the idea that Dean never got high because he was far too responsible at such a young age. Wonderful. chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
Perfect missing scene filling in something the episode should have covered. Loved how Sam realised how much Dean had on his shoulders and how he wanted to get through to his brother that he was there for him. And great how Sam physically being there for Dean emphasised his words.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
awww .. I loved this.

That scene with the sleeping Dean in the back seat always bothered me - to the point I almost couldn't watch it. I always felt Sam and Bobby seemed uncharacteristically unempathetic. It was the way it was written more than anything.

So thanks thanks thanks for giving some background and emotional depth to the scene.

Now I can watch it )
Visionairy chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
So excited to see you post again! You never fail to provide just the right tag for an episode that makes it so much better. I loved the line, "I'm here because of you." And that Sam wanted to make sure that Dean knew it. You always put such great emotion in each story. Thanks so much for posting!
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