Reviews for Time Does Funny Things
bookwormz321 chapter 1 . 4/4
Absolutely love this! Please update!
bolha chapter 28 . 8/16/2018
OMG, i'm in love with this story. You really need to finish it plssssssss and now you have one more brazilian fan, me. Congrats.
Gurllfren chapter 5 . 7/9/2018
Joshes eyes are brown
Musiclover1717 chapter 28 . 2/21/2018
Pleasee update!
writergirl1426 chapter 28 . 1/3/2018
I've reread this for the umpteenth time and only hope that one day an update will happen.
Kitty chapter 28 . 10/16/2017
Please update im two years older and i still love this fic!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/23/2017
You should continue to write this, its in the favorites but it not complete.
Karateka67 chapter 28 . 9/2/2017
RIGHT NOW (please)
Karateka67 chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
jojrre chapter 28 . 8/6/2017
Aaaahhhh, I need more. Where'd you go? Please come back and continue. I love this story and really hope to see more
smsm17 chapter 28 . 3/8/2017
i know it's been like a year and a half since you've updated but you told us like a chapter before that we'd know when the story is over because you'd write "The end" so i'm going to still hold out hope that you're posting again even though it seems unlikely! You're an amazing writer!
Guest chapter 28 . 2/24/2017
will you be finishing this story?
TashaLove689 chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
Are you going to update? I love this story and I really don't want it to end randomly please continue!
Tasha91011 chapter 28 . 12/17/2016
Are you going to continue this story?
Sophia chapter 28 . 10/25/2016
It's sad you never updated it was getting really good and your writing is very advanced
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