Reviews for As Sweet As Chocolate
Nzkal chapter 1 . 3/24
Forget about me and get a life
Guest 1 chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Hahahahhahahaha this was hilarious to rrad! I know this is an old fic but hey, great job
Sarada Uzumaki chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
that was cute nwn
IchigoPudding chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
Was super cute xx
And well written - all the parts you were worried about made perfect sense. The sound of an egg cracking is crack _
kishigo forever217 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
Teehee funny
I would have liked a continuation to see what happen afterwards tho heheh
Juliex11 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
OMG ! this was particularly impressive and very cute * I can not access my account TT-TT * kisshu PERVERTED stole a book about names for baby ? * Laughs * kisshu with an egg on the head, thank you gave me an idea to get back at Alex
Musicstarnc chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
That was a wonderful little twist at the end. I must say that I like how Aoyama isn't the bad guy here, but Kisshu - as is his actual canon role! How smart of him to do that with her phone. Everyone seems to be in character as well, which I really like. Also, I would like to say that reading this gave me two very funny images in my head one being a sea made of cellphones instead of water. And another was me reading a line wrong and envisioning Kisshu pregnant because of that. I had to say that, it was too funny in my mind. XD

Minor nitpick you should prolly ignore because I love this, but I'm going to say it anyway: I feel like maybe Ichigo would have needed a stronger motivation to make a deal with Kisshu than she gets to throw an egg or two at him, especially after hearing what happens if she loses. Like I said, minor nitpick, it was funny as is written and I did enjoy it. That's just my two cents.

There were some grammatical and tense errors. Most of which I'm pretty sure are typos you missed and not actual errors you consciously made, such as Ichigo be referred to as a "he" when Kisshu licked her. I've done that quite a few times and it's always a typo but I figured you'd like to know about it. The only other one I'd really like to point out to you is this: "His name was Kisshu, he was an alien. Didn't I mention he had been spying on Ichigo all day?" One sentence is in 3rd person and the other is in 1st. You may want to fix it. Also one is present and one is past tense. Just be a little more careful but that is the only line that does this in the whole thing.

Overall, I LOVE THIS. Like as much if not more that I do chocolate. (And, boy, do I love me some chocolate...) It's a very nice valentines day fic and the fluff is beautiful and made me go squee and rock back and forth in my chair while my cat gives me odd stares. I apologize for the wall of text that is this review and hope you have (had, considering the time I'm writing this) a wonderful Valentines Day/Singles Awareness Day/Cheap Chocolate Day Eve. :D
Lokiismylife chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
That was great!