Reviews for Oblivion
PTHC.FFN.CAD chapter 14 . 8/4
The premise is relatively simple: a former dark lord with eternal life-sentence now walking around in the skin of Harry Potter. This is an interesting story though not without problems. The story (as of year 2020) ground to a halt on overly ambitious story elements, plots & characters.

The background world building is interesting enough to propel me wanting to read more but further I read on, less interesting the story became for me.

In essence, this is not a Harry Potter story, this is not even a cross-over story. This story is a take over and an AU tag should be placed. Your Harry Potter is a shell (just as you mentioned) but the story elements are so far removed from the Harry Potter original that you could've move the entire alternative world onto other young adult fictions and it would still work (e.g., Percy Jackson, Northern Lights, Red Queen... so on and so forth.)

This is an interesting story, this is a story with bold attempt but this is also a failed Harry Potter story.

Thank you for trying and sharing your work!
Haruno Asahi chapter 14 . 7/26
Even though it was hard to comprehend because I’m not in tune with the story and dynamics of the scrolls world it was quite a fun read so I was disappointed to have reached the end... I hope you’re still in good health and might someday finish this story. Xx
fredfezzy2 chapter 5 . 7/24
.. hentai finger in mouth
thebestofall chapter 4 . 7/24
Hilarious raven
thebestofall chapter 3 . 7/24
Yeah, its all coming together now. I can see James and Lily assuming that Voldemort possessed Harry or something if he shows too much intelligence.

But did he need to mess their brains that much? Meh, its probably daedra not knowing how to hold back. Even in this, Jyggalag's presence as a divine being is too much for mortals. So much that his sister is having lewd thoughts of him.
thebestofall chapter 2 . 7/24
Ah. Jyggalag doesn't want to get trapped by human emotions
thebestofall chapter 1 . 7/24
Hmm. How in the world did this happen? Unless fuckin Akatosh did something
marcellsmoot chapter 1 . 5/23
I will quite literally pay you to finish this, I am enamored.
ToddGilliss chapter 14 . 5/14
Please come back to this story
reaperblaze chapter 14 . 5/6
I am loving this version of Harry
heythereman707 chapter 14 . 5/5
love this story, will you update eventually?
Xray75 chapter 14 . 4/26
I hope you manage to continue this story, it was quite good. I know it’s been almost 4 years but I have to try
renextronex chapter 2 . 3/8
I have to say, this is one of the most... Unique depictions of Lily I've ever seen, I plan to write something like a wbwl story in the future in which the usual neglect trope is actually the effect of a curse, and I think I'll take inpiration in this chapter for Lily's reaction when the curse is lifted
bjorn aleswiller chapter 9 . 12/3/2019
Sweating bullets... was it supposed to be hidden? Or maybe I just noticed it so well because it is one of my favorite Megadeth songs
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2019
lul "Harry" is a dick.
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