Reviews for Be Forever
emowoods205 chapter 1 . 4/26
Here I am yet again re-reading this beautiful book, such a work of art, I am so in love..
Katthiea chapter 7 . 1/8
So this surprised me as the first Naruto Mpreg fanfic I've ever read, yet I honestly loved every chapter. They were long just like I like and really enjoyed it being set not in the ninja world, which was the biggest surprise since I honestly didn't think I like that. Sasuke being a lawyer is brilliant lol and I really like how you made sasuke in-denial for a while because it is a very normal reaction for many people and not just in love of course but in many situations. I personally imagine Kushina arraying to his atio's first birthday party but not sure about minto as you described him and yet it be nice to think he would not be stubborn and come. Thank you for writing this and I plan to read more in the future from you.
emowoods205 chapter 7 . 10/7/2019
I'm in tears once again, this story is so beautiful...
emowoods205 chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
Here I am once again reading this amazing book, I haven't read it again in so long because it's such an emotional rollercoaster but here I am now, it is one of mg favorites~
yanfeiyuji chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
Most of your stories made me cry and heartbroken.
yanfeiyuji chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
I love this one! I reread it for about four times. Hope you can be back soon!
SexiiFoxii chapter 7 . 6/19/2017
Done :3
Nellie chapter 7 . 4/2/2017
This story Is so beautiful, it has everything one could ask on a story.
Fortune's Smile chapter 7 . 3/3/2017
Whoa... I don't know where to start x)
You know, I don't think this fic is that cliche. As you said, there were different elements you added that upped the intrigue. (: (Like that time I had a hunch that Naruto was pregnant with Sasuke's child before it was even mentioned... I felt like stepping into the story and do something x') ) And besides, as long as a story is good, I don't mind if it's cliche. (;
Don't beat yourself up for this fic. I know it demonstrates that you care about the quality of your work (cheers!), but I honestly think that this story is amazing. You did a great job. You convey emotions so well! I FELT Naruto's pain :'''( okay, maybe not as much pain as he did ') So don't worry about it. (;
What a sweet ending, too. I'm glad Naruto and Sasuke settled things with Neji and Naruto's parents. Great job as always. (: Thank you so much for bringing these amazing fics to us readers.
Iyris chapter 7 . 11/5/2016
I think this really is my most fave out of your works that I have already read. Though I think this could be longer by at least making Sasuke suffer a bit more lol. And my fave scene would be when Sasuke was tying Naruto's shoes after punching Neji in the carpark. For some reason I found that scene bittersweet. Thank you very much for this!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/5/2016
Sh*t. And I was just saying that im liking Neji the past chapter. 180 degrees turn DAMMITNEJI

On the other note, this has a realistic approach to the characters, to pain, and to love. I soooo feel Naruto here.
Iyris chapter 3 . 11/5/2016
I know the ending pair but Im loving Neji in this
Iyris chapter 2 . 11/5/2016
Ohmygahd. I'm a sucker for angst and out of all your works that I have read,(i havent finished all but more or less half?), I think this wud be the one i like the most. And oh, Neji and Sakura seem good, plus points. Haha. And Gaara appearing plus plus points.
solitare1 chapter 7 . 10/8/2016
Great story as usual!
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 7 . 9/28/2016
You are right, a lot of stories do have this same plot. No matter who the pair is, same plot. BUT! It's the storytellers that make them all different, like your story here, and I enjoy reading them all. Please write more with the same plot if it gets them out there! Write on. I love to read and I must say, this one was a tearjerker. I cried like a BABY! Please continue to write for us and thank you for your enjoyable stories/fics so far. I will continue to read them(completed ones only) and let you know what I think if you like, thanks.
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