Reviews for Fuel the Fire, Feed the Pain
jessspider chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
I love ya dear author! this was just soooo perfect! well done! I loved reading every letter of this piece. I think this is a much needed behind the scenes thing. And Felicity really needed to to have a one on one with someone who could actually understand it...and...get all that off her chest! Who better to do it with than Laurel :) :D brilliant, well done. *smiles* ...proud of fanfic writers like yourself :D
The Watcher chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
This was good, real good.

A chapter two would also be good, just to see Oliver getting his ass handed to him.
hairyhen chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
The entire premise of this story is woefully flawed and misjudged, for one very simple reason:
Oliver currently has no hope of defeating Ra's al Ghul. Malcolm is the only person who could possibly ever help him do it. Therefore, Oliver *must* accept Malcolm's help, regardless of any other considerations.
There's really just no way around it.
Felicity was being very whiny and selfish in blowing up at him—by telling him not to work with Malcolm, she might as well be telling him to sit around twiddling his thumbs until Ra's turns up to kill them all. But it's good that she did, because in so doing she clearly indicated that she will only love Oliver if he changes into a different person. Being with someone is not about changing them into someone else, it's about recognizing them for who they are and finding a way to make it work. Since she is demonstrably unwilling to do this, it becomes obvious that they don't belong together in the first place.
It strikes me that this entire fic is an unreasoning reaction against this very self-evident conclusion.
cakelyn chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
This was awesome! Are you going to make another chapter or sequel about them kicking oliver out? I would looooove to read that!
Caroline Blye Winchester chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Amazing story. I am loving it. I hope you update soon
Artemis173 chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
I want this to happen. Sooo badly. I want Laurel and Felicity to be friends and band together against Oliver's stupidity! Birds of Prey style! Feminism for the win!
No.1TwiFanpire chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
I will be honest, I was hesitant to read this because I'm not always the biggest Laurel fan, but this was amazing! I wish she was like this on the show all the time. I wish something like this could happen. Felicity really needs someone to vent to! I loved everything they said in this story! Great job! I think you captured how Felicity must be feeling perfectly!
katerina petrova chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
omg this is amazing! I really really hope this happens. That would be awesome.
Sunnylt chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Girl power, yes! and thank you for sharing, now I finally feel fine and hopeful after that horrible episode. Wouldn't it be fun though if the show "borrowed" some ideas from your story? :))) I wonder if anyone from the show's writing team reads fanfic...
LycoX chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Now this was nicely done! I wouldn't mind seeing you expand on it a bit more to see how what they have in mind goes. And Roy suddenly being all agreement about Merlyn after talking to Thea was some bullcrap for sure.
magicmum chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Awesome...brilliant idea.
StygianOmadaFan chapter 1 . 2/7/2015
OMG! THIS should be episode 3x13! Absolutely perfect! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Oliver's being an idiot or that is really mad at him for not even look at Felicity when he got back!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)
hbarker chapter 1 . 2/7/2015 Dead on! Loved the interaction between Felicity and Laurel. I really like the actress, but have never warmed to Laurel's character. In this story, I actually like her and enjoy her "friendship' with Felicity.
Naitch03 chapter 1 . 2/7/2015
Wasn't Mo a character that was in the Superman comics a few years ago?

Another great story. I'd actually like to see where you take it vs where the show goes.