Reviews for Tension
PrettyLittleLiars.Stories chapter 49 . 11/23/2018
Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee update this! I need more of it! I love this sorry so much and all their relationships and need to see what happens next!
Nenithiel chapter 44 . 11/13/2018
Did the chapters get mixed up?
DarkMoon2222 chapter 49 . 7/13/2018
Omg! Please add more soon! I loved and have cried though this all the way.
JoGregor chapter 49 . 6/29/2018
I almost fainted when I saw my inbox. An update of your story. I was sure that you gave up. Thank you. Great, wonderful chapter. Please, continue. And never mind my impatience, just continue ...
G4l4h4d chapter 48 . 2/9/2018
Omg i read that Story in Two days and i cant wait for the Next chapters. I Hope there will be another one.

Greets Galahad from Germany :D
12reader chapter 48 . 5/28/2017
Ok my heart is officially breaking, everything is so messed up. I hope everything works out, otherwise everyone will be miserable and my mind rebels at that thought. Anxiously awaiting next update.
JoGregor chapter 48 . 5/26/2017
Thank you! I was worried that you gave up on this story. Please continue...
Countess Belle Von Venomhaus chapter 48 . 5/25/2017
I was really surprised to see this chapter after such a long time between chapters. Looking forward to more
JoGregor chapter 47 . 12/20/2016
Yes, indeed, that's he needs. Loyality. Honor. Willing hearts. But he needs more than that. He needs also understanding others, strength, perseverance...I hope you will update soon, I really like your story. Best wishes!
Taylor.Ivashkov chapter 46 . 9/22/2016
I hope you update this soon it's a fantastic story!
Guest chapter 46 . 9/10/2016
I love this story! It was really good all the way through and I am waiting for more chapters soon!
JoGregor chapter 46 . 8/1/2016
Now I'm so sad that I could cry...
JoGregor chapter 45 . 7/19/2016
People make the biggest stupidity when they get emotional, when they feel threatened, when they want revenge, in their stubbornness, because of pride ...Well, to be honest, people also give the best of themselves because of emotions, ..when they are in love, when they are joyful, because they want to help and protect. I'm curious to see where you'll take us, with your story...
Countess Belle Von Venomhaus chapter 45 . 7/16/2016
i really enjoy this story. You should up date more often
syeern chapter 45 . 7/16/2016
I hope one of the dwarves in Erebor have the courage to tell Bard and Thranduil what's really going on. I'd choose Kili and Tauriel as their words would hold more weight than say, Balin. Thranduil would listen to Tauriel and Bard is trying to do anything to keep the peace. I swear Thorins pride will be the death of him and those he commands.
That he would rather risk war rather than admit there's a rat in Erebor makes me wonder if he has the best interest for his people. A king protects his subjects if at all possible, not let war happen over pride. PRIDE!? I had hoped he learned that lesson after battling the dragon sickness. Has he learned nothing of humility?

Nain better live long enough to suffer. I just feel bad for Grundin and particularly Grenda being deceived. I pray it's not Grundin that falls. Grenda would loose a father because of her traitorous husband? That's wholly tragic.
So glad you updated. Craving more.
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