Reviews for Black Assasin
Hidemain chapter 9 . 5/26
Just finished benging the story. Its good, absolutely love the route youve taken. Id like to see a bit more on what Nagisa is doing/has done to keep his classmates safe. Also i would like to see Karma's role in this, like has he taken a life yet? Is he becoming a manipulator or is he becoming a Dutch or Revy? thats just what i hope to see going forward.
SNEAKYKAYE chapter 9 . 5/11
Please Update! This is amazing and its absolutely terrible that you no longer update... I hope you stay safe & healthy with all that is happening!
Rogue-eL chapter 9 . 3/26/2019
What an amazing story. this is the best Assassination classroom crossover I have ever read shame that there haven't been any updates. welp, I still am going to follow and fav so that if there is then I can read it.
CheshireCat272 chapter 9 . 2/6/2019
Wow is all I can say I just read it all at once and just wow I love it and hope you decide to continue it
Kumo13 chapter 9 . 10/26/2018
Omg I love this fic. I love everything about it. I really hope you update soon.

I'm working on a AC and BL crossover myself and this has been such an inspiration. I'm so glad I found it. Please, please, please! Update. I really want to know what happens.

Kumo, over and out.
Shadow Phoenix 16 chapter 9 . 8/20/2018
hellz swordsman chapter 9 . 5/12/2018
Nagisa is indeed terrifying.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/25/2018
Well hello again I have to ask what was the message that Nagisa give when he killed the twin to balalaika and if you could uptade please ,the story will have the timeline of black lagoon or it will have a new timeline , , who was the first person that Nagisa killed ?(sorry for the short review but I am a person of few words)
Guest chapter 9 . 2/6/2018
This is awesome. I’m looking forward to more.
enigma95 chapter 9 . 2/1/2018
hmm while the time skip was not nc at all...but meh overall story is 6.5/10. Interesting idea of a crossover for sure, Just something is missing...interaction perhaps? While these 9 chapters did have a lot of major interactions... just too few I guess? Almost satisfying, just almost.

I mean Nagisa killing... not surprising..merciless...uhh dunno
Eli Clark chapter 4 . 12/15/2017
Ryunosuke Chiba has normal eyes. I saw them. Well, you only see one in that scene in the anime but his eyes were normal with white sclera and his eye color for the iris was maroon apparently.
TheCommanderin chapter 9 . 12/3/2017
love the story
Ftxfusion24 chapter 9 . 10/27/2017
love the story keep it up. would review more but its like 3 in the morning for me right now so I am tired AF. so chao
Kolomte'49 chapter 9 . 10/27/2017
Sorry for poor English.

Great detail to include street children, is a real issue since adults ignore children believing that several are immature and only serve for minor thefts. But the truth is that in a place like ronanpour, surely a good group of children can grow faster as survivors. Revy is an example. One great detail was the inclusion of the mute child and the method of payment, many do not mention that. I am sure that if we mention a little more of that in the works, there will be a real paranoia between organized crimes.
The former leader of the group, could die to see that they remove his position, wanting to prove that he still deserves it.
Keeping most of the classroom out of trouble could generate internal conflict.
I love the applause trick. I wonder if it will be real?
For a moment I thought that Karma would kill Gretel.
It was hilarious Nagisa's sudden change of attitude at the end. Although I notice two possible signs of that scene: 1) Nagisa now seems to have two personalities, the kind and professional, ¿that's what scared Balalaika? 2) Nagisa's interpretation of the Balalaika test, which he considered as a test of class, could indicate that to support his new role as a real killer?
How did Rock react when he could not save at least one of the children?
Ritsu keeps informed to. Of everything Nagisa plans?
NeroSparda19 chapter 9 . 10/24/2017
I hope to read more chapters of this magnificent fanfic
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