Reviews for Violet Eyes
runawayxheart chapter 32 . 5/7/2017
urghhhhhh... I love it. more pleaseee
Guest chapter 25 . 4/5/2016
I meant you wrote "torchered" when it should be "tortured". Sorry for the typo in the last post.
Guest chapter 24 . 4/5/2016
Just a couple of things to point out besides the epic story line and amazing writing.
I know how in America, you guys pronounce d and t practically the same, so often in written language you mix them up in certain words. I've seen it in a lot of stories, you wrote "shutter" in a place where it definitely doesn't belong. A shutter is a wooden or metal panel which goes on the outside of a window that is shut or opened according to the owners preference. What I think you mean is "shudder". A shudder is when someone shivers or shakes in some way.
Also, you seem to be going by war on certain words you may not be too familiar with, such as "torched", which is in fact spelt "torURE".
Besides these occasional errors, this story is amazing and I look forward to reading on.
jeanf chapter 32 . 3/27/2016
Very curious to see if they will come across Joel's thugs...
jeanf chapter 31 . 3/27/2016
Congrats on the engagement! How exciting!

Good to see rory and daryl together again.
angelicedg chapter 32 . 3/26/2016
Love this story!
jeanf chapter 30 . 10/19/2015
So glad it was daryl that found her in the shop. Afraid it would be the thugs again...
jeanf chapter 29 . 10/19/2015
I'm sure daryl would be pissed and hurt that she left... But she has a point. Daryl can't be around forever to protect her
jeanf chapter 28 . 10/19/2015
Very curious to see what daryl will do now that she told him about carol...

Such wonderful smut too!
jeanf chapter 27 . 10/19/2015
That was some interesting self smut...I'm sure they are more relaxed now huh? And now daryl heard her call out his name..
jeanf chapter 26 . 10/18/2015
my goodness...some rough moments w/ daryl huh? I guess since they are both so wound up they had all that energy that needed to be released...

that poor girl keeps reopening her in the world is she ever going to heal?
jeanf chapter 25 . 10/18/2015
love that private spot daryl and rory go to for relaxing. it sounds beautiful!
jeanf chapter 24 . 10/18/2015
oh,, why didn't rory tell daryl about what carol did? that was beyond what rick agreed to...I think...

good that daryl hit him!
jeanf chapter 23 . 10/18/2015
omg! carol is just so wicked...daryl will have fit when he learns of this...

beth would be pissed too, i'm sure...
jeanf chapter 22 . 10/18/2015
nah.,,the different names for her aren't confusing. just tells us who's talking...

wonder if carol is so untrusting of rory because she's jealous of Daryl's attention on someone else, a pretty girl.
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