Reviews for Living with the Fazgang
Joshgab chapter 147 . 7/22
LikeAPro42 chapter 147 . 7/7/2019
I think yo should leave this how it is and post a separate rewrite of this fic. This is so the fans of the original story can still look back and enjoy it, but you still get to keep creating your ART! Heh...*awkwardly rubs back of neck* Just a thought...
Anonymoose chapter 147 . 5/14/2019
I think rewriting is the better option because I would absolutely hate to see this story discontinued.
thx chapter 147 . 5/1/2019
Guest chapter 51 . 4/22/2019
thx chapter 43 . 4/17/2019
or i will stop reading (JK)
PearlyGirl chapter 147 . 4/9/2019
i dont know if i can post a review/opinion without an account but i think reworking it would work! this is one of my favorite fics and i'd hate to see it discontinued ;;
TxyFrxddy chapter 147 . 4/11/2019
I care, and if you really think that you want to rewrite this then go for it! I'd love to see how you want to remake this
Guest chapter 147 . 4/8/2019
You need to add more chapters! This is such an amazing storyline and i love what you do with the characters. And they are consistent even if a few things change here and their but thats what makes it interesting. I also enjoy how you make little stories and cliff hangers within them. It gives the stories more meaning and makes you want to read more! This is my favorite thing you’ve written and i would love it if you kept it or at least like you said change the story. If you do tho add little Easter eggs that people who read all of these chapters will understand.
thx chapter 147 . 4/3/2019
rework it
FAZproductions chapter 147 . 3/19/2019
maybe don't give up hope and just rewrite it
Guest chapter 147 . 3/18/2019
Rewrite it, and here are titles for the rewrite:

Living with the Fazgang: The Rewrite

Rewriting with the fazgang

Keeping up with the fazgang

Ok, that's it!
Guest chapter 147 . 3/18/2019
Make sure to change it. I freaking love this story, and I could go on and on about how good the story is.

Just don't discontinue it, whatever you do. I would like to see this story get new chapters once again.
FNaFLord chapter 147 . 3/18/2019
I think you should just change it. LWTF has been a great ride, and I can tell you that I spent hours upon hours reading this fanfic. It's what made me decide to start to write(which I've told you before), and I absolutely love it. Nobody can write like you can, and, while I'll be sad if you do, it really comes down to your desire to discontinue it, or rewrite it. All in all, I hope you keep it going.
FoxytheMagicianFox chapter 147 . 3/18/2019
I've been with this story for a long time, almost since the beginning, and I say you should remake this story ONLY if you want to remake this story. Your writing has evolved a lot over the years and I would love to read an updated/more organized version of this story. A lot of the chapters on their own did serve no purpose but they were nice/funny little things to read. If you do remake this story and wanna do chapters like that still that have no ultimate impact to the story overall might I suggest making a little side/spin-off story for those. Ultimately, it is up to you if you wanna remake this story and I personally would love to see it. If you do go through with it, a title I might suggest to you is "The New Adventures of the Fazgang". I hope you choose to do what makes you happy.

P.S: The format code is in this and it makes it hard to read, if you can fix that you may want to so everyone has an easier time reading.
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