Reviews for Obscura Stellata
Queen of the Wallflowers chapter 1 . 12/10/2016
I love this! It's so spine tingling. I love how you show Narcissa'a loyalty to both her sisters. I like seeing how she had no problem cursing her husband. So slytheriny
Mistress-Cinder chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
Wow! What an amazing story! I like the deviousness of Narcissa. I also loved that she was going to help her sister no matter what. Her Sythern Black heart was showing.
xxCallMeAmyxx chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
'Our blood is Black' she goes really far into this whole 'family loyalty' thing doesn't she?
This was beautiful, as is most of your stories are but this is the way that... I can't really explain.
I've never read a story where it shows the time that Ted was captured and a imprisoned, and I guess that could be why this sticks with me.
Do me a favor and not be a good writer so I can correct you on SPaG
Thank s :)
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
I love that Narcissa helped Andromeda. I always thought they would be close as sisters, because who could ever be a close sister to Bellatrix. I'm glad that she helped Ted out of there too. This was an interesting use of prompts and very enjoyable. I also like that Ted was quite feisty. :)
Also, it seems completely possible that Bellatrix would kidnap and torture Ted if she had the chance!
the.eagle.quill chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Loved it, very dark and gory.
Unique take on the prompts-I especially liked the interpretation of the word prompts.
As always you did a good job with the characters, the Black sisters fics have been very popular lately. It's hard to write engaging stories with these unsympathetic characters but I think you succeeded.
I think you forgot to underline the dialogue prompts in the story.
Great job!
WoeMeTheWriter chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Wait, wait, wait, wait WHAT!

You set the scene brilliantly, but bloody hell that room is a dump. You made me cringe slightly with every disgusting description. Ted is so cocky! I wouldn't have the bravery to say that to Bellatrix. Talking about Bellatrix, you made he sooo sadistic and evil.

I love your twist at the end because when I first started reading this I was thinking "How the hell is Lucius just going through with all of this?" But the little obliviate just made it all better.

Mireille DeMaupassant chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
I loved every bit of this! It's so wonderfully written and the character development is spot-on, especially Narcissa. You've taken the idea that she puts her family above all else and used it quite cleverly. You're characterization of Bellatrix is the most disturbing and convincing I've come across so far! And I love that Lucius was just a pawn because that's all he really amounts to anyway. I have no criticism. It's perfect.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Wow. This was amazing. I love that Narcissa did one huge favour for her disowned sister by getting her husband back to her. For her to even go to the lengths of Imperiusing Lucius to get him to help her is amazing. And then to Obliviate him and Bella so that no one would ever know was brilliant.
I also love Ted and his resilience. I can see him acting like that to the bitter end. Sad we didn't get to see more of him in canon, esp his death.
Great fic. I loved it to pieces. It had all my favourite characters and they were all in-character.
RenaElaine chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Yes, the Death Eaters have prevailed again!

So having read the story, I love the title. At first it didn't make sense, but Obscura Stellata, like obscured star (or something along those lines) was brilliant. It was nice way to give a hint at what the end would be without being totally obvious and it was a nice play on all the blacks being named after stars.

Oh, I love Bella! So twisted , but so great! Figures that being the master of all that's dark, you'd have her character nailed.

That first paragraph was disgusting, good description, but gross. Also no huge grammatical errors that stood out to me. Also love the twist at the end.

OnyxFeather chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
"Have you pissed yourself, Mudblood" - That made me laugh so much. Clearly there is something seriously wrong with me, because your crazy Bella always makes me smile. I love here. I think I just imagine this really demented, psychotic form of her that in a probably not very healthy way, makes me giggle.

There were so many lovely gems in here. The minute bits of detail really bring your description to life (e.g. globule of bloody red phlegm).

Just watch that you punctuate your longer sentences with semi-colons or conjunctions when you connect two independent caluses, otherwise you'll end up comma splicing. (E.g. kicked him in the groin; her heeled boots...)

'reflecting the curse' - 'deflecting' might be better here?

God it's freaky that we both used France...I guess that subconsciously says something about the Malfoys...LOL!

I think you captured Narcissa's hidden sincerity really well, and the 'obliviate' at the end captured the essence of that. Of the three, I always felt that Narcissa's story is inherently the most complex and you captured parts of that in her actions through your story, which I thought was great.

I liked Narcissa's loyalty to her own heritage. You brought out her strength; the same strength that allowed her to defy Voldemort for her family. See the parallel?

This was a very interesting and novel read. Nice work!
ChatterChick chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
I really enjoyed this. Narcissa is such a great character to write/read about. I think this fits very well with what we know about Narcissa; that her family is more important than the pure-blood 'cause'. I was surprised at how cooperative Lucius was being in the beginning, so the imperius charm at the end was the perfect twist. Good job! :)
Gitana del Sol chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
ooof, very nice! An interesting twist, I think, especially that ending. Very chilling. I think you kept everyone in character, too, which was great! The only fault I found was the unclear status of Lucius and Narcissa. Are they married? You mentioned he was her husband once, and then they do return to Malfoy Manor at the end (to a shared bedroom, no less). For most of the story, though, you mention Lucius as Cissy's fiance. Pick one, as this will also help with timing. If they are not married, they would not go to the same place, especially not a single room.
Ralinde chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
First of all, since you already mentioned in your starting A/N that you were obliged to underline the prompts, there really is no need to mention them again separately at the end another time. ;-) That's overly redundant.

Anyway, on to the story itself.

I thougt this was really powerful and it showed us a side of Narcissa that we don't often get to see in the books, but which to me prove once more just why she's one of my favourite characters in the 'verse. The Narcissa in this story is strong, and risks just about anything in opposing Bellatrix and Lucius, and all for the sake of love. The lust spell she used was a clever idea - though apparently not clever enough and Bellatrix going down to fulfill another, darker, 'lust' illustrates just why she is so dangerous. (I don't want to give too much away for anyone else who's going to review this.)

Well done!
The Lady Arturia chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Review for Review Tag. No excitement involved in the form of loud, jumpy text. I am exhausted and PMS-ing and want to kill the world. This better be as dark as you promised it would.

Your imagery is so...I don't know the word to use. I can't say vibrant because it's the exact opposite of that...jarring? Yeah. I literally could see "The room was dank, dark with mold and mildew, the air stale with the stench of vomit and bile." I could almost smell it and now I feel sick all over again. Curse you and your horribly accurate descriptions.

Hearing the rattling of the chain. Am I hallucinating...?

"lust charm"? Sounds like an actual Charm. Is it?

Read "Filthy litle Mudblood!" In Helena-Bellatrix's voice and I saw her whipping him and cackling away and it is making me happy.

"Narcissa still retained her humanity and it was for this that she had come."

What is little Lucci doing?

SPaG: "and knocking her sister [of] balance." [of] should be [off].
"deemed them [to] hideous for the house itself." [to] should be [too].
"caught [up] in her sister's arms." [up] is not necessary.

Whom did Lucci Obliviate?

"Our Blood is Black." is officially my new favorite line of all your stories. Going to quote this left right and centre now.

Curious: When did Narcissa place Lucius under the Imperius Curse? Before they entered the dungeon/basement/whatever it is? Couldn't decipher it.

Again, she used Obliviate against Lucius? I don't understand what's going on.

"But my heart remains Black." Your Black puns are officially the best.

Not as dark as I would have liked it to be; rather, one of your lighter works. Very well done, nonetheless, although somehow it seemed a little hasty and rushed. Maybe that's just me.

Moving on to my next review.
Cheers, love.
salazarastark chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
I've always liked Narcissa, and this fic actually made me like her more. She's dark and conniving, but she still cares. She doesn't let herself, won't let herself, lose that. I only noticed two typos. A space between helicopter and the comma, and autumn was capitalized. That was it. Amazing job! :)
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