Reviews for In The Dark
Guest chapter 15 . 3/17/2018
Guest chapter 5 . 3/16/2018
I'm waiting on RAPE
BangBangAllSwagg chapter 10 . 11/25/2017
I hate that Regina is painted to be so helpless and weak. I honestly don’t know why Emma has this ego when we all know Regina has been through a hell of a lot more in life and can handle her own.
connyx chapter 8 . 10/18/2017
I knew it was a mistake to start this piece when I should go to bed. But here I am, not able to stop reading. And having to get up in... uhm, 4 hours? OMG. But...
Damn you ;)
connyx chapter 5 . 10/18/2017
Just the 2nd time around when I was wondering why Emma didn't text or call Regina, you came with the answer. Hehe.

Ohmyohmy...ohmy.. oh and ohmy...
Find a safe heaven... a safe place... and sometimes you don't know it, but you have it. You just have to come to the realization.
connyx chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
You know you're a master, right?
Even when you start a piece with lots of action you're doing fine and capture the reader. That's a gift! :)
SpicyHumanoidSauce chapter 27 . 9/3/2017
This was fraggle-rocking amazing. Raw and painful and somehow romantic. So perfectly written for all the characters and so accurate with difficult topics. I would read this again and again if it didn't make me cry so much...
FearOfEscalators chapter 27 . 7/28/2017
Man, I really hopethat one day, you will also explore how in the world Regina is coping complete with references on her own abusive past and she managed to hide it so well.
Shadowedkiss chapter 26 . 11/16/2016
It's driving me a bit nuts not knowing what truly happened on the island. The angst is deliciously intense. *eagerly awaits next chapter*
m chapter 27 . 11/15/2016
beautiful exciting the to read that Regina tells Emma about what she had been through with King Leopold who she was forced to marry and to are truly a fantastic writer.
Korderoo chapter 27 . 11/14/2016
Beautiful! The perfect ending to a wonderful story. Thank you!
SpurBoy chapter 27 . 11/12/2016
I absolutely LOVED this story. I hate to see the end but Im so glad that they made it to this point with hope for the future. Using Emma's true love magic to rescue the both of them was perfect and awful. I wish that Emma would feel a lot less guilt over her actions, she truly did not have a choice. And, Regina? God, I love her so much! Working through the emotional issues with Emma despite the rape would have been so hard to do, yet she managed to set boundaries and limits to their relationship while still helping Emma. Kudos to this story and you! Thanks.
kpop1392as chapter 27 . 11/12/2016
Beautiful! I love how gentle and firm Regina was/is with Emma. I am enjoying this story. I am so glad that they were able to go through the storm together and still have each other.
Snorbie chapter 27 . 11/12/2016
Great story,

But personally I find the epilogue weird.
Why regret the killing of a bunch of old souls in kids bodies who has been fucking with you for however long and were in the making of a massive rape party?
And by the sound of it Regina and Emma weren't the first who would've gone out that way and wouldn't be the last either. (Peter Pan the starter of it all keeping them in check... ye right )

Emma did everybody past-present-future a favour, really.

Beside that last flashback, it was a great story.
Keep up the good work
Greets S
Guest chapter 26 . 11/12/2016
Wow great update! Can't wait for the next omen congratulations on your job and love.
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