Reviews for A tight space
zagato chapter 21 . 4/20
Thank you for this wonderful story!
Nezuneko chapter 21 . 11/23/2019
This story was soooooo goooood! I’ve read it in one sitting. I didn’t read the books, but in the movies the chemistry and sweet tenderness between the two characters (even with so limited screentime) was amazing, I liked them more than Aragorn and Arwen (although they are a close second).
The way you wrote their romance was such a sweet read, it made me ship them more. Thank you for posting, you are amazing!
Firefly Alchemist chapter 21 . 7/5/2017
Loved it!
EStrunk chapter 21 . 11/14/2016
Lovely ending. I particularly like that you ended with the kissing on the wall and the settling of the bet. Very sweet.
EStrunk chapter 20 . 11/12/2016
That was amazing! I love that she thought the Steward was Denethor and was still going to face him. Happy, happy surprise.
EStrunk chapter 19 . 11/12/2016
That was beautiful. I was a little surprised that Aragorn didn't let Faramir know about the baby. Fighting the black breath can't be good for a baby. I loved the images in their minds and Aragorn's piecing them together.
EStrunk chapter 18 . 11/12/2016
Of course it didn't make sense that she took off her helmet. Thank you Amrothos for watching out for her and taking her in. Scary description of Eomer and the Rohirrim.
EStrunk chapter 17 . 11/12/2016
Grim stuff. I like Amrothos and Mablung ending up next to each other. Where are the Rohirrim? Loved the description of Eowyn's grief as they rode back to Minas Tirith and how distorted and grey everything was. I know this is AU, but I'm hoping you stick with canon about Faramir's fate.
EStrunk chapter 16 . 11/12/2016
I liked Gandalf's description of how Denethor painted Faramir into a corner. The dark humor was fun. Overall a horrible scene though. What are Eowyn's thoughts about help coming from the Rohirrim. I would have expected her to question Gandalf about how he came by his horse.
EStrunk chapter 15 . 11/12/2016
I hate that. I do wonder if he would go now that he has Eowyn and a future to lose.
EStrunk chapter 14 . 11/12/2016
Considering how much more difficult it is to handle a stallion there is some macho factor in riding one. They are also probably better warhorses. Faramir's comeback was good though. I hate watching them go through all the hopeless times.
EStrunk chapter 13 . 11/11/2016
I'm going to have to reread the original to get all the fun hobbit bits, I guess. Faramir didn't mention hearing about Boromir's death or did you just not want to get into that again? The mumak was scary, although my favorite line was Eowyn's resentful thought about Anborn annoying the thing, but it ended up on her side of the gorge.
EStrunk chapter 12 . 11/11/2016
That was awful. From his hearing of the horn to seeing Boromir's body. My heart breaks for Faramir. I hate the feeling that Faramir would have handled the quest better.
EStrunk chapter 11 . 11/11/2016
I hate the feeling of horrible things about to happen, although it is necessary. Eowyn's conversation with Mablung was fun, although I'm getting some foreshadowing of a pregnancy to come (not to mention logic, etc.). Sad to say good-bye to Boromir.
EStrunk chapter 10 . 11/11/2016
No way Denethor would have taken Faramir's idea well. Loved Eowyn's line about being a barbarian and plagiarizing. Boromir is so right.
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