Reviews for Second Chance
multyfangirl21 chapter 5 . 10/26/2018
I figured that he was still in town at least. chapter 19 . 4/11/2018
snoopykid chapter 19 . 1/31/2018
Awesome job! Thank you for updating. I know as an author on here myself I know the feeling of having stories that I haven’t updated in years...(more than 3) but I am glad you managed to do it.
princessbinas chapter 19 . 1/31/2018
No problem. The ending is bitter sweet, which fits nicely and it has enough stuuf to be given a sequel when you chose to make it.
Overall, great job.
Invader Johnny chapter 19 . 1/30/2018
After everything, the important thing here is that they never lost the meaning of what it means to be a family and the Fentons will stick together though the good times and the bad times.

The ending implied as much, nicely done.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Invader Johnny chapter 18 . 1/30/2018
Oh you monster you! I hope Danielle gets stable soon enough and I'm sure the Fentons will try anything to stabilize her.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
princessbinas chapter 17 . 1/29/2018
You have a small error right here:

Who the hell was shouting? Without any prompting, Danny stepped over to the door and stuck her head through.

It is supposed to be Dani. Other than that, I cannot see anything wrong.

And I think Walker has some issues. He hoards ghosts in his prison like someone hoards junk or pets in their house. He really needs a psychologist, and Spectra does not count.
Feurrige chapter 17 . 1/29/2018
wow amazing and I can't wait to read the last two chapters. I really hope Jack and Maddie learned their lesson. And somehow I feel a bit sorry for Walker but if he is holding so much on his grudge and the rules. I also wonder if he ever returns to Fenton Works.
Invader Johnny chapter 17 . 1/28/2018
Its really sad that Danny's fear was so strong that he had to run away.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Invader Johnny chapter 16 . 1/27/2018
Oh boy, Jazz is in some serious trouble, and at Walker's hands no less.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Feurrige chapter 16 . 1/27/2018
Oh man I really hope, Dani isn't melting and everything ends well. Why are Maddie and Jack so stubborn? Can't they see that Danny is happy? But I think they always, careing mor for themself then what their children want espacilly Danny. I really hope they rethink their idea of removing Dannys ghost half. But I also wonder, what Walker would do to Jack and Maddie? Why hasn't he ordered his guards to overshadow them and locked them up? It would serve Jack and Maddie right.
princessbinas chapter 15 . 1/26/2018
It's a trap, guys! A trap!
Invader Johnny chapter 15 . 1/25/2018
And now Sam and Tucker are dacing death in the face, oh boy.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
123booilove chapter 14 . 12/25/2016
love the story! Plz make more soon
Guest chapter 10 . 1/12/2016
Jazz was perfect for that situation. Couldn't have said it any better myself!
Sam also could have exploded like that, but it was worth it to see Jazz have a spaz!
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