Reviews for Dauntless-ly Free
Hah423 chapter 46 . 12/21/2019
I know this is older but just found it and loved it! Wish I knew how it ends, like especially what is up with Four and Peter's strange behavior toward Tris! Good job!
Guest chapter 46 . 1/21/2019
are you finishing this story?
athleticbooknerd chapter 46 . 11/27/2018
What the hell! I love this story so much it’s defidently helped with life in general and some othe depressing matters and sorry I’m rambling but pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeee
Keep on writing this story or at least bring it to a proper closing that it deserves as well as you for all the hard work you already did
Good luck
tamwhit chapter 46 . 3/27/2018
wow great story so far

Poor Eric, Tris should be truthful with him
please update soon
LoveForever14 chapter 46 . 1/22/2018
Oh my gosh I just found your story and binge read it! I am a true Eris lover through and through! I love the personalities of your characters and their development. I hope you update soon and I can't wait to see the progression in Eric and tris' relationship!
Olivia Williams chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
Forget to follow story, but update soon
Olivia Williams chapter 46 . 10/1/2017
Great story, was up all night reading.
What's up with Peter... Maybe he has seen for and Evelyn whilst at his post. Update asap.
Lexfor chapter 46 . 9/20/2017
After reading all the story in one go, I can say that it is good, but sometimes I feel like it lacks on interactions between Eric and Tris, you know like more little things, the subtle things of a relationship, dont know if you get what im trying to say.

Overall the story is amazing and that I patiently wait for next chapter
usernameherepls chapter 46 . 8/29/2017
quick question: does Eric know that tris was abused? I really can't remember and I don't feel like backtracking lol
Guest chapter 46 . 8/29/2017
Loved it! Writing is smooth and not choppy. Dialogue is realistic! One of the best fics
bianconiglio chapter 46 . 8/29/2017
The moment I received a notification about this story I was so happy! I loved this chapter, I love how Eric is taking care if tris, I love how tris stood up for human rights with will and how her mind is always at work with max - I think this part of the plot is amazing, maybe even better than the love story,maybe - how Jules came up and how she confided in her despite she being Eric's best friend. I really hope tris will come to terms with her fear, even if I know it's not easy, I really do think Eric deserves to know what's going on in tris ' head. Moreover I'm so curious for tobias to show up a bit and explain himself!
Thanks so much for updating and not abandoning this story!
usernameherepls chapter 44 . 8/13/2017
Tris and Tobias's relationship is so cute!
PookaRoo chapter 40 . 7/15/2017
I like the interaction between Eric and Peter in this chapter, and how they are building on their friendship with each other. Interesting how little self-confidence Tris has, I wish she would recognize how much she inspires others. Four's absence is disappointing but Tris needs to recognize her own strengths.
Jezidca chapter 22 . 7/12/2017
Please continue with new chapters.
Guest chapter 45 . 4/29/2017
Yay. Love, love love it! Tris should start working on herself. I know it's hard, I know that feeling - the feelings she has. This story has made me cry multiple times because I understand her and the way she feels. Scared all the time. :/ She should tell Eric these things and trust him I mean the man just told her he loves her. Yeah, I love these couple. It's my otp! ;) xx
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